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A genre of audio I get requests for often is reverse comfort. 

It also happens to be a specific kind of audio that I'd like to get better at.

I have my own slight reservations about making these kinds of audios, but I do want to make them more often.

So, like with anything else, the only way for me to get better is to continue to make them and hone my reverse comfort craft.

All this to say, I have a reverse comfort audio for you.


In the middle of the night you hear your boyfriend (who's pretty cute, if I say so myself) having a bit of an anxious episode.

He apologizes for waking you but then asks for you to help ground him and calm his rapidly beating heart.

Please enjoy,






I’ve been skipping around listening to older audios since subscribing a couple of weeks back. While I have my own misgivings about msub audios and reverse comfort audios, I have to say that I truly enjoyed this. This felt personal and real, almost to the point of making me tear up. The dialogue, the rustling of sheets, and the delivery of all of the lines put me squarely in that my-partner-is-hurting kind of heartache, y’know? I appreciate that there was actual closure included here, too, so I wasn’t left holding those feelings. Fantastic work. Thanks for putting yourself out there artistically.


I just keep coming back to this one, but it’s especially needed now that it’s getting a little colder and cozier in my corner of the globe. I’ve listened to msub and reverse comfort audios in other places, but they rarely, if ever, included the comedown and aftercare or any emotional resolution for the speaker. As someone who’s pretty switchy, those just made me anxious. But this is just right. It’s perfect. It scratches the part of me that sorely misses the trust and intimacy that makes it possible to comfort a partner in this way, to be dependable for someone in this way. I miss this kind of give & take, and have been struggling with that of late, but this audio helps more than I can really verbalize. If you never make another reverse comfort audio, this one would be enough.


This was so lovely, and I can relate to this so much. I used to have sleep paralysis a lot when I experienced too much stress or anxiety during the day and I would lay there, whimpering trying to wake up my body, escaping the hallucinations – now to imagine someone sleeping next to me would make me feel so guilty as well. Fortunately (?) I never had a partner before but surely after getting out of the paralysis a comforting partner does sound nice. Ah, I drifted off there, sorry, you said you have problems with making reverse comfort audios, but as others stated already: you did fine! This was special, and surely, AA, "everything will be okay" 🧡