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Hello Hello!

This ones for you breeding fans out there.

I dare say, this is my most breedingest breeding audio I've ever...bred.

Sorry, that was awful but not reflective of the audio...I promise.

Please just take my word for it.


You and your sweet husband (who may or may not be named Lawrence) have been trying for some time to have a child.

Despite what your skewed sex-ed taught you, having a child isn't as quick and easy as it may seem.

After some discussion, you've decided to have contact Z&C's Sexual Services who do breeding house calls.

It was a lengthy and arduous application process, but you got through.

The day has come. You hear a knock on the door.

"Hello hello,

I’m Aasimark from Z & C’s Sex Services.

You should be expecting me."

Here's an M4A version for those who prefer it. 

Please enjoy,






Pls go back to doing stuff like this, this is peak Aasimar 🙏