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In this video I discuss the reasons why I've decided to shift the direction  of our patreon funds and profits from merchandise towards local charities and community outreach.

I also take apart a pomegranate because certain folks have been asking for it.

Here are the charities we'll be giving to this month! Please check them out!

Youth Without Shelter

Anishnawbe Health Foundation Toronto 

I hope you enjoy



Talking Patreon & Pomegranate



I adore this. It has the feeling of sitting down to have a one on one conversation with you or maybe it came up while we’re in the kitchen making dinner. You speak so passionately about taking care of each other within this community. So, I hope with the recent loss of your job, you allow us to take care of you which might mean taking more for yourself. Easier said than done, I know.


as a person who also grew up as an immigrant and who couldn’t find a place of her own, i really admire and am proud of of supporting your decision to donate to charity. i think all of your points were valid and i really appreciate you taking the time to speak and inform us of what’s going on. that asian stoic aspect is something that gave me a lot of anxiety with my own father so i really empathize with your uncomfortableness but i applaud you for say it fuck it and being vulnerable enough to speak about it? i hope that you are okay despite the loss of you job and are doing good. please do take as much time as you need for yourself ♥️