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*reuploaded because I didn't trim the silence in the beginning and end of the audio sorry*

Hello Hello!

Lately I've really wanted to tackle audios that I don't feel like I'm necessarily very good at/fully confident with doing.

So, that means I had to try to do a ramblefap.

You may notice that I don't have many and that's because I don't feel very good at them haha.

I'm not sure if they align with my strengths. I think I get self conscious that if I'm not talking too much and just moaning that it won't be as appealing to listen to.

Anyway, this one has a vague premise/theme for me to keep my mind on to help me along.

Also, not to be crass but I don't remember the last time I came this hard so it's fun that I got it on record.

I hope you enjoy!






This is one of the first audios I’ve listened to and if this is supposedly bad, I’m excited to see what he’s good at lolol, but truly, your moans are literally the cutest thing and I’d love to hear more of them :)


The pretty boy moans have left me unstable..