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Hello Hello! Some time ago I made the first Sweet Suite and thought that we were all about due a new one!

I hope they help you to find some calm and relaxation in these stressful times.

I've said before but I struggle a bit with making comfort audios. Mainly because my love languages have a lot to do with physical presence/affection and so trying to comfort someone purely through an audio form vexes me slightly. 

It's a weak point of mine to be sure, but with all things I have to do it to get better at it.

But! We live and learn.

Please, enjoy!

For Those Who Need Rambling To Sleep [BFE][Talking About Baking][Rambling]

For Those Burdened With Their Own Productivity [BFE][Affirmations For Productivity]

For Those Dealing With FOMO [Talking Directly To You][Commiserating With You][Getting Sappy]

For Those Who Like Being Spoken To Like A Wounded Bird [Softly Spoken][Kind of Condescending][Possessive In A Way]

Welcome To S.P.I.T. [Shitpost][Or Should I say, Spitpost][Spitting, obviously] 

Rest Easy,




I greatly appreciate your help, even though English is not my native language, I did my best to understand and found great comfort in it (especially the part about FOMO). Thank you for your efforts, and I am grateful to have met you during this time.


I couldn't even begin to tell you how your story and affirmations in For Those Who Are Dealing With FOMO, made me feel a lot better. It felt like, I was not alone anymore or as you said, isolated. In a way, knowing that someone has the same fears as me brings me solace and eases the feeling of loneliness that I can't seem to shake off no matter what I do. So thank you, Aas.