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Love this show...thought we gained a new member



About the word "Äußerst" If you are interested in the German grammar here is a little explanation. But I'm sure there are some German viewers who are better at explaining it and would most likely correct me on it. The B-looking letter "ß": In German we say SZ (spoken: Eszett) or sharp S. It is spoken like a normal S in English for example "sing". Speach: ß = s. But for the writing it depends on the word, the vocals before the letter S and the pronunciation. If the vocal before an "S" is long spoken like "Äußerst" then it is a sharp S (SZ). (spoken like the S in "sing") If the vocal before an "S" is short spoken like "Essen" it is double SS. (spoken like the S in "sing") If the S is soft spoken (that's how we say it in German) for example "Eisen" then the "S" is pronounced like a "Z" in English. (spoken like the Z in "zombie") If the "S" is at the end of a word then it is sharp spoken like an "S" in English for example "Eis" (=ice) (spoken like the S in "sing") There are some exceptions but I can't think of any right now. German isn't easy. And this is just one of many grammar rules in the German language. But you need to learn the language to know when to use which letter. This grammar is always a big problem for kids to understand the difference. I didn't have big problems with the German grammar but strangely enough I always had the grades D/E in German lol.


here some translations for the episode: Kraft = Power Schwer Mountains = Heavy/Difficult Mountains Äußerst = (I dont know yet in what specific way this city is described because it can have different meanings) utter, outmost, utmost, extremely, highly, exceedingly,e exceptionally A manga reader should have a better translation for the word "Äußerst"