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SHANKS....its been too long



Finally getting the payoff for what was setup at in episode 151

God Enel

Bro the dialog between them is crazy now that I'm caught up. Love one piece man lol


I, for one, really like the filler 317-319. It's nice to have low stakes for once, plus it fleshes out the city of Water 7 nicely


And there goes Haki being introduced into the story! And yet again more Oda info bombing us... this is why i love post arcs.


when they open up the world and throw lore it always flies by idk why but it just has that affect lol


You are right; this was the first time the story revealed that both Shanks and Buggy were part of Roger's crew. In the flashback, we see Shanks and Buggy arguing during the Orange Town Arc, and they were the same age as Whitebeard remembered them in this episode. Key takeaways from this episode: - A meeting between the Four Emperors (in this case Shanks and Whitebeard) is extremely dangerous for the world government, since they could bring harm to the world - The Four Emperors (so far, Shanks and Whitebeard) in the New World are incredibly powerful, strong enough to even split the sky - Shanks displayed an invisible power known as "Haki," which can knock out weaker opponents and even damage objects like the Whitebeard's ship - Shanks and Mihawk used to duel like legends - Shanks made a bet, willingly losing an arm, to invest in Luffy's future (Luffy and Shanks' promise) - Shanks got the scar on his eye from Blackbeard, which still "itches" to this day (He emphasized that he wasn't careless when it happened) - Shanks considers Blackbeard a significant problem for everyone - Whitebeard has a zero-tolerance policy for the murder of a crewmate, which Blackbeard did do - Shanks urges Whitebeard to intervene and stop Ace, as Ace might not be strong enough yet to defeat Blackbeard - Marco, the 1st Division Commander of Whitebeard's Crew, was properly introduced and showcased