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We breaking and entering now


Michael M

Johan just gets darker and darker and some of the things will genuinely leave you speechless... I love this show 😩🔥

Michael M

And to answer your question, yes the Berlin Wall. That's why they refer to East and West Germany which was separated by the wall.


Yes, they were talking about Berlin Wall. Back in EP 3 ,right after the 9 years skip, the show mentioned about it 1st during the scene via 2 policemen who were on the boat looking for the dead bodies.


We can’t get a double upload .. ? This series pretty long


Nah nah nah lol I’m taking two episodes Monday and Friday lol. Once I saw y’all watching. This on YouTube I immediately went and subscribed. I so hoping y’all was half way through at least so I could binge


Yeeee, no plans for that currently. We were originally gonna just do one a week lol. Might change in the future tho!