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Thnx AP!!!



There will be important, serious arcs/episodes later on that'll expand on some of the major characters , but for the most part it'll be fairly episodic for a while. Some people might make reappearances later on while others might just be one-offs... This off and on, comedic-to-serious episodic format is one of the things that makes Gintama hard to get into and binge for most folks... It'll be stretches of goofy episodes that don't really seem important, and then you'll get short arcs with action and plot where something from a goofy episode might actually have significant story relevance, and then we're back to the comedy... It's good for monthly reactions though! You won't really have to remember too many details. Tons of characters to introduce for these first episodes (there's a huge cast y'all). Since this is primarily a comedy anime, don't expect the overarching plot to be a major focus. You'll get little story snippets and bits of character development here and there, and while the story is great, the characters and how they come together/interact with each other will be the main attraction I'd say. The author does a good job building up characters, so those emotional, high-intensity moments will really hit once we get there!