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Love seeing y'all's opinions on what happened. I've rewatched One Piece many times, and I always feel like nobody) Luffy and Usopp) in the argument was right. Luffy is a selfish character. He doesn't have the communication skills to break news to others, he just expects them to understand what he means and move on, cuz for him it is not as hard. So Joey is right when he says that he tried to break the news lightly to Usopp. Rather than going through with explaining what happened and why they are considering a new ship, he just says they will and expects Usopp to move on without asking why or even considering his current feelings. It was never about Usopp being weak like Ash thought though. Luffy knows Usopp is weak. Despite that, he invited him to join cuz something about him sparked his interest. For Luffy, the problem isn't about Usopp being weak. If it was, he would have blamed the loss of the money on him which he didn't. He even tried, poorly, to separate the fact that they lost most of the money from the reason why they were getting a new ship. On the other hand, Usopp has low self esteem and has been made forcefully aware of just how weak he is, because he got beat up when watching money. He is in a crew with many people who can hold their own, and feels like he can't do anything while the others move on. He is projecting his insecurities on others, while trying to clutch to the ship. It is a ship given by a person who really liked and believed in him, so it means a lot to him. So when you put a character that isn't good at communicating and expects people to move at the same pace he does, with a character that doesn't have confidence, and is feeling weak, it is no surprise that they fought. Luffy and Usopp are friends, but they are also opposites. Luffy is very confident, Usopp isn't. I get what Ash means when she says Luffy hasn't ever been the captain but he has to. It has been something other characters have been trying to get him to realize. That not everything is fun and games, sometimes you have to be serious and order for once. Which is why his first big step was acknowledging that Merry is a ship and not a person, so he couldn't put his crew's lives in jeopardy jusdt because he didn't want to change ship. He continues to grow throughout this arc and the series, so I look forward to see if Ash ever ends up liking him even if just a bit. I also think this arc is when we realize how important Sanji is when things like this happen. Both him and Zoro are very similar but it is how they deal with stuff like this that sets them apart.


I really do think that both sides have their own points but i also think that Usopp is kinda avoiding thinking about the situation from the other side's prespective. This is just denial from Usopp's part cause he just what Ash said! He didnt even get time to process all this info. Chopper crying about Usopp telling they aint friends no more broke me as it did the first time i saw it. T_T


She said that Luffy and Ussop are her least favorites? Any reason why that’s the case for her?