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Gabi doesn't deserve to suffer for killing Sasha, by that logic Sasha should meet the family of the 2 guards she killed and suffer over that. It was a battlefield and neither did anything wrong. Gabi is a war hero and a champ. The only thing she did wrong was go overboard with that guard, and be an ass to Kaya/Niccolo. A lot of that is just from brainwashing, you can't just flip someone's worldview like that, especially a 12 year old ragetard. Remember Eren? Reiner? I think it's a realistic depiction of someone who had no choice but to drink the kool-aide with a smile on their face. If it's just personal vindictiveness, that's fine it is just an anime, but let's not pretend it's fair to say she should suffer for killing Sasha. Anyway love you guys XOXO UwU hearts and kisses.


I love it when it showed Levi's flashbacks and how he is now in a dilemma about what to do with Eren


Very true. I feel like in the post discussion after all the hype, we do see that this is a huge moment for Gabi. Without these events her character would never be given a chance to grow.


Tbh I don’t like Floch, he just wants Eldia to be brought back to power and thus continue the cycle

Jesse Prevallet

The more we see of Zeke' justification for his actions the more he they remind me of Kruger's The Children in the Forest metaphor speech thing from Sasha' dad was like... phrased in a way to have multiple meanings depending on the audiences' context. You feel the author do this when you return to watch parts of the story after you know the plot in advance, and recognize pieces of dialog between characters as if they had hidden meaning in them that were obscured before you knew what was coming story-wise. I am particularly reminded of the time the scouts were riding the Armored Titan chasing Eren listening to Bertolt' confession, but frankly the author does it all the time. There were two really shocking but not surprising things in this epi for me: it was the first time we saw Kaya lose her shit and it was when she learned Mia' true relationship to her, and watching Gabi' prideful and gratified self-explanation of her behavior to Nicolo. Gabi really goes into this epi thinking of herself as a "good person" doing the "right" things, but after her experiences at the dinner table scene and seeing how her actions affected Kaya, Gabi really does comes out of the room looking confused and like she is maybe rethinking her convictions. Also Faclo' skull was used to break open the bottom of a wine bottle... that Zeke spinejuice microdose is not his only problem that boy could have a concussion or like permanent brain damage! For me, S4e3, e11, and this one are my favs so far. I really like it when they lay the themes on super thicc, and when we get to see into some character' phycology and how its contrasts with their life situation; it just makes the drama feel very believable with real-life authentic responses to the character' circumstances.