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titan s3e8.m4v

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Jesse Prevallet

These parts are hard to watch my boy Eren like this. So low, so overloaded by the heaviness of Grisha' actions. That face he makes at Levi when he says hes ready to die to undo the brainwashing.... that's not the fighter we know and love!


The runt is Levi. In the manga there was a bigger argument about Historia becoming queen, she really didn't want to do it at first. Then Levi basically orders her to as captain. Historia was still kinda pissed about it and that's when Mikasa said the stuff about punching him lol. It seems kinda random in the anime since they don't show that big arguement. And now we see the dreaded Turkey Titan 🦃💀🤢.


It was a popular meme when he first appeared in the manga lol. I'll have to find it and post it in the discord 😂