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I. love them. Thanks.

Hey, honestly: this is one of my fave trios. Romantically or platonically idc, they cUtE. Plus they're always put together on framings and everyone's like klance vs allurance vs kallura while I'm  there like... KALLURANCE.




This right here??? This is just... SO CUTE!!! Aaahhh!!! I love this ship so much but don’t know many who like it too. This is beautiful 😭


I love this ship! Wish I could draw more wholesome stuff with poly ships. Maybe thanks to you guys I could do that now uwu💜


Please do!!! I love Kallurance, Shklance and Klunk the most but I enjoy a lot of others as well 💕


Never new Klunk was the name of the ship :oo i love adashurtis kallurance and shklance but ofc imma multishiper so no ship shame here ma dudes