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I need your guy’s help as I’m dry on ideas what to draw



Have you drawn Bernard from OK KO yet?

Dusty Raksha

My vote, Is maybe some art of some dragon daddies, maybe Bowser, a classic and Some from spyro

Devin Drake

A sequel to the pic you did of bowser showing his big fat rump to jr


Depends on how heavily you want to lean into the campy/horror part of Halloween or just Halloween in general. If you're looking for more of the latter then your characters in costumes, like say Andres in a too small sheet of a ghost costume, won't really fail. If you want some camp stuff then you'll probably find some ideas in old B-grade horror flicks.


With Metroid Dread Released, I'd definitely like to see the E.M.M.I. and maybe some stuff from Metroid (apart from Ridley, there is plenty of him on the internet already.) There's a fair few designs slept upon and a lot of unrealised potential.


Firebrand good