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We didn't get to watch as much one piece as we wanted today, but we'll pick up the slack and have another drop for you tomorrow


BOLDcast One Piece ep 163 UNCUT REACTION!



Now this is just a sympathetic observation, not a personal critique, but this is another example of when certain tiny pieces of dialogue (that I won't name but it's there and relevant) understandably get overlooked leading to delayed context. But One Piece does this intentionally to some extent because it's the classic Oda effect of leaving "set-up" breadcrumbs. When he absolutely wants us to know something, it will be shoved in our face, but when he wants us to figure it out later on rereads, he'll glaze over it in conversations. So don't worry about it! 😀 By catching every word of the episode, it becomes apparent that Luffy didn't capture dumpling Satori then simply because "Oda wanted to wrap this up," and that there was a reason given.


Satori kind of explained it after the Ball Dragon exploded but he didn't expect Luffy to find and snap the string. Luffy found it by accident which threw Satori way off guard and made him act recklessly. Then after the big boom, Satori had to recover from his panic which allowed Luffy to finally get close and subdue him to set Sanji up for the finishing blow. If Satori had chosen to jump away to dodge Sanji's attack he'd be helpless in the air unable to dodge without anything to stand on, which would then set Luffy up to knock him out instead. Either way, the moment Satori panicked is what made him lose the fight. That being said, the whole "string on a cane" thing was definitely written in last minute to give Luffy a way to win. I'll give you that.