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Will try to post the next ep tomorrow night/as early as possible so you can get it before the month switches over





Francesca White

ok so one thing that the show is telling us that i think y'all haven't picked up on is this: Kureno, by staying with Akito, is hurting her, not helping her in any way. he is half-heartedly staying with her out of pity, not out of any sense of love. over these past few episodes the show has been drilling in that being with someone out of pity will only hurt the; everyone was worried that because Tohru is so nice, she only wants to be with Kyo out of pity. Kureno as a character is meant to be a parallel to Tohru, he's like Tohru in the Bad Ending, he's staying with someone out of selflessness thinking it's helping but it's actually hurting them. Shigure has also said to Kureno multiple times that he is hurting Akito by staying with her and should just leave. The previous Cat had a partner who only stayed with him out of pity and that was also bad. This might seem ramble-y but what i'm getting at is that Kureno was hurting Akito the whole time and then all of a sudden he was like "let's stop this" after YEARS. i'd like to add that THIS IN NO WAY MEANS AKITO WAS JUSTIFIED IN STABBING HIM, there is absolutely no justification for that. but i'm just trying to explain Akito's mind state here, it wasn't just like "Akito is a crazy person who does crazy things for no reason"

Francesca White

i honestly respect the show for having Akito stab Kureno here, because after Akito's tragic backstory the show could've tried to make the audience forget about all the horrible stuff Akito has done, but nah they're like "actually Akito doesn't magically become less evil after that tragic backstory, let us remind you of how insane she is"


You make some really really good points in both your comments actually


The saddest thing about this situation is that Kureno gave up everything to placate Akito her whole life, but he ended up just feeding into her worst impulses and enabling her to spiral more and more into her twisted mental state. Same thing as the old maid. Rather than telling Akito that it doesn't matter who her father loved more, she pushed Akito further into the rivalry with Ren, especially with handing her that box. The old hag is in many ways the worst in the series, because shes the head of perpetuating this whole zodiac cult system.


Now you almost done with fb any hope to watch 1 episode of the 2001 version just to compared the two version?