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Adam Vialpando

I think you guys missed the part where Cobra was shocked Nico Robin could read the Poneglyph. This isn't like something casually saying they speak Latin. This is a centuries dead language that is virtually extinct. Cobra thought they wouldn't be able to read it anyway and obeying their demands made more sense than needlessly resisting and making them hurt others.


To be fair, Cobra was taken away from the palace right before Croc displayed his ability to dry out objects. So it's reasonable for him to assume his plan would still work. Even if it wouldn't outright kill Croc due to his intangibility, he'd still be forever trapped under miles of bedrock.

Nik Jovan

The first thing to note is that Cobra didn't know that Nico Robin could read the Poneglyphs. That language is supposed to be extinct. So just showing them the stone is not a big trade off in exchange for his life. And secondly Nico Robin and Crocodile knew the general location of the Tomb anway, so they might have just found it at some point anyway. Nico Robin's plan was solid and it was the plan B, if Crocodile didn't believe her. But like you said Croco also knew she would betray him at the end. So he would be ready to counter no matter her plan was. Croco is an intelligent dude. He has shown that many times this arc.


Thanks for all the uploads. Was a good night of binge 💪


Zoro would straight up find a jungle in a sand kingdom before he sticks to a predefined route, which is hilarious.


"Exactly like the thing in the filler". Yes... but remember that one doesn't exist in the canon, so it's just the anime trying to foreshadow without enough context.


Also it's an interesting take that you think Robin had "everything planned". When I first experienced that part of the plot, I just assumed they were partners in crime with different agendas who didn't trust each other. While I figured Robin had probably planned not to share information with him, the vial was more a contingency she kept on her person at all times because she knew who she was dealing with. It takes little observation of Crocodile's behaviour to realise he could get rid of her once she stopped being useful to him.

pedro I.S

for me its not like crocodile was "ready to counter" any plan, he just did the basic logia move and stabbed her, and that was it. Robin could have a better plan. She is as smart as crocodile, and oda wasted so much time with so many things in this arc he could have made that fight more interesting if he wanted to. Threres litterally so many ways for robin to damage crocodile, and even if crocodile might have though robin could betray him, she knew 100% that she was going to betray him, so she only needed to worry about 1 scenario. That moment was supposed to be the most important part of the 4 years plan by robins perspective, which was litteraly how not to get killed by crocodile.


After episode 130, the next canon episode is 144 in which you can watch the OP.

Jack Shadow

I don't think that Robin planned everything, her goal was Poneglyph and probably she didn't think that Crocodile will just kill her right there. She didn't sabbotage anything, case as vice-president of Baroque Works she was the reason why everything happened in the way that Crocodile planned. Crocodile face was never revealed to small agents, but Nico Robin was known by every one.


Damn, that’s a crazy number of filler eps. I didn’t realize on my first watch and ended up watching until the Rainbow Mist one before thinking, “wait a second, this doesn’t seem canon.”