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As a nightshift worker, this early moring uploads are fun thank you 💕


Thanks for the episodes! I'm posting this comment before watching the entire episode since I noticed it now... you mentioned it was episode 103-104 but judging from the title I heard in your video at 2:22, the episode was 102 on Crunchyroll. I personally don't mind either way since I loved certain elements in this one too (the echo between Chopper/Zoro & Vivi/Nami and certain other elements

Ej Evangelista

is this actually episode 102 you guys uploaded? The video audio dosen't match up with episode 103


that was ep 102 actually


Probably should correct this is not 103.


honestly even though this was filler it didnt feel out of place and we got to see more character interactions with chopper


Noon 😭 another filler lol, well that means more OP for them. There is no enough OP for us, so enjoy all you can 😁


Accidentally watched filler, but luckily this filler was worth it just for the fun crew dynamics and grounded discussions. Does a good job with having everyone bond and express their current concerns without feeling out of character at all.


Even though it's filler, this episode is kinda cozy.


This was episode 102, which was a filler. A win for me because I wanted you to react to it anyway, the good thing about One Piece filler is that they don't make a big part of the series and the majority of them integrate well with the canon to the point it's hard to notice. Despite this being a filler, some of the things you mentioned in the discussion do matter.


"almost watching a filler again" that aged well :p Edit: and no that's not a good filler for a multitude of reasons (1 good scene doesn't make up for the rest)


I know "Filler" tends to have bad connotations, but every now and then, their can be some good fillers that have interesting interactions. That Zoro and Chopper talk is one my favorite scenes between them, and I love how we get to hear more of Vivi's thoughts on her country and enjoyed her talk with Nami. Really enjoyed the discussion on this ep.


I always skipped this opening when I was watching the show.


I appreciate the filler in one piece, I have more issues with pacing around certain arcs than i do with any of the filler, unless you are watching it on weekly release and then it's an unwelcome surprise. On the first watch I think it's better to watch all the episodes, the crew bonding dynamic makes them tolerable unlike other anime filler I have seen. But that's just my 2 cents


This filler is slightly problematic, but if you know it is a filler that solves the main issue. It's one of those better executed fillers because it feels like it could fit in the story and is fun to watch, and the character and show spirit are pretty well maintained. My only gripe is that it randomly uses stuff in a way that doesn't necessarily work out in the later parts. That entire underground area was never meant to be part of the story but can make things a little confusing in the long run if you don't realise this isn't canon and start theorising around it. You made lots of interesting points though, so worth the discussion.


Honestly One Piece fillers are kinda goated, of course there are some pretty bad ones, but otherall most of them are enjoyable at least. Mostly because they know how to write banter and character interactions/characterisation, very rarely there are moments that "ruin" canon story or characters and mostly they just adds some extra to it. Additionally practically only in fillers you can see Nami actually making maps and working on her dream or Sanji doing something with his passion of cooking or other stuff that we know happens but we never see it. If by any chance you will have too much time on your hand I highly recommend checking them out, not even necessarily as reaction (so you can skip around if some of them drags out) just to maybe share some thoughts and gets some additional attachment to Straw Hats. They also foreshadow (sometimes intentionally and sometimes by accident) some pretty important stuff - for example without a spoilers I'm pretty sure that in the Arc with a little girl you skip around Loguetown/Reverse Mountain we have first-ish glimpses in one of non-devil fruit elements of One Piece "magic" system that becomes sorta relevant way later.


Please do not watch the 3rd theme song for one piece. It contains spoilers. The 3rd theme starts at episode 116.


These come out at 9am for me, so ever since the daily uploads have started my sleep schedule has been so much better lmao


is the ep 102 not 103 right?

David Butt

As you’re aware by now this is a filler episode, but I do think it is an important episode and helps with setting up some things. A lot of things in this episode are important foreshadowing and world-building from later on in this arc that’s been bumped up into an earlier spot and made more vague than it will be later on, inside a filler episode. So while the episode is filler you’ll end up having this kind of discussion later on in the arc as well. That’s honestly why it’s my favorite filler episode of the show, and what I think good filler arcs can do, which is add more world-building or setup for future plot points that haven’t happened yet.

Jack Shadow

Idk who told you to watch this filler, but you should just skip to 103 episode. I will say that Arabasta case of those fillers is ruined in anime.


Accidentally watching virtually an entire filler arc ;)


Awww man…another accidental filler 😭

Povlo Vlastela

Alabasta and post alabsta filler is probably the best in whole series


See the argument with filler is often muddled amongst people but ill try to explain. The term “Filler” is not an exclusive term for anime nor is it a regular term in the English language when referring to media. We the fandom coined the word during the 90’s years of shonen jump publication with stuff like bleach, one piece and Naruto. The notorious Naruto filler arc was one such significant example were the term filler got its negative conation mostly attributed to the fact that fans had to wait 2 years for the next major broadcast of the canon story during the 80+ ep run of original anime content. This is also were the word Narutard derived from as well but that’s another topic. Filler in anime can be as simple as anything added to fill the series time slot to put distance between the source material and the anime production. This is the general defition of this urban term. Usually with shonen jump serialization, filler carries a sort of negative use because its often breaks up or impedes the main story. How ever filler can also be used in a variety of different ways such as an entire season of a source material could be filler such as “Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu” which anyone who watches this series can tell you its comedy gold, highly entertaining and had a lot of great character moments, despite the fact that its non-canon. A filler could also be viewed as some "downtime" content. For example, the story in that filler is not in relation to the main plot but is still valuable or interesting because it adds context or additional information to the characters. So, "filling" the gap between plot points. There is quite a few of these in one piece. The problem now I think is to many people especially manga readers accredit filler to being damaging for its fanbase and a waste of resources but that is not always the case. I been a fan of anime since the late 80’s and I can tell you specifically, people often just enjoyed things and tried to find "value" in what they were watching, they did not care rather or not it stays true to the source or not mostly because people did not have access to the original source. In the early years of anime’s popularity outside Japan, most fans would just go to their local rental stores and purchase VHS tapes or their favorite series in dvd format and just watch it. Anime wasn’t the kind of social phenomena it is today and over the years its changed people perceptions a bit on how they view things because illegal scans of manga were never available online during those early years or if they were, they were very few and far between. Official scans of manga were also not nearly as popular as they are today. It’s unfortunate that the term often is used in a negative context, but we made it that way. I have learned regardless of rather or not its canon/non-canon, i always look at it as something separate and original and try and enjoy it. Watching alot of episodic type shows, I have learned to appreciate anthology developed stories more and find myself individually analyzing filler content as its own thing. Like the Rainbow arc in one piece is pretty unique and something different as an example. Or the hot springs arc provides some levitity and a tonal shift, appropraite for the peak tension of the story after finishing a major canon arc. You can find entertainment in anything, you just have to judge it based on its own merits and its own thing.


G8 get the crown for best filler for me but i liked alabsta too