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Just to be clear, Sanji didn't kill the unluckies, at least not in the manga. They still appear in some side stories. Despite the meme, Oda is usually pretty considerate when it comes to animals and rarely kills them. He just doesn't treat them as something that can't be hard. And TBH, that's somthing I appreciate. It's annoying when a story considers me mature enough to handle the sight of a guy getting shot but not a dog getting killed. Sure, animals are cute and we should treat them well, but doing that diminises the value of human lives.


I see where you're coming from with your concerns about how animals are treated in 'One Piece.' It's true that in stories and films seeing animals in distress can hit us particularly hard because they often represent innocence. It's what makes movies like 'Ring of Bright Water' hit us so hard. However, I don't believe Oda views animals as worthless in 'One Piece.' Their portrayal is nuanced. Animals like Karoo experience comedic, sometimes rough, situations, but this is often comparable to what the human characters endure. Oda's 'Punch and Judy' style of comedy involves exaggerated physical humour. What's interesting is how Oda often gives these animals human-like intelligence and personalities before they're involved in these comedic scenarios or anything rough like this. This humanization makes us relate to them more, which is why although it might feel a bit unfair when they're subjected to comic relief it also gives us a chance to feel like at least they have some idea of why it's happening and be smart enough to retaliate or potentially know how to avoid it. Like with Momoo the sea cow, the situation is meant to be more silly than harmful. I don't know if you remember the line in the Live Action where Luffy tells Alvida she's as dumb as a sea cow? It kind of rides on the concept that Momoo was meant to be a menace for most, but in this case far too silly to know he was messing with the wrong people and should just back off. But again by making Momoo a bit dumber than even most Sea Kings, the tradeoff is it feels more like an unfair beating: that "oh, but it didn't know better, how could they do that to him" feeling that Lindsay had. Also, Oda did make Momoo look a bit too cute probably haha. It's also worth noting that the anime adaptation of 'One Piece' sometimes amplifies these moments with animals more than Oda likely intended in the manga. Seeing it in motion tends to have more impact. It might make you feel better to know that animals that get beaten up like that in many cases also appear to have absurd recovering abilities! Another thing to note is perspectives on animal portrayal have evolved since Oda wrote those Momoo scenes. Like many artists, Oda's approach to certain themes has likely changed over time. He might handle such scenes differently today, reflecting the shift in attitudes towards animal representation in media. Without giving you any detail about what's coming, I'm not going to lie and say he never gives animals a rough time in the rest of the series and that you'll never get a feeling it is gratuitous, but I get a feeling those nuances improve over time. I can imagine its also why a lot of the animals in OP are made to look very different from any animals in our world. Without going into details, Oda does something similar with diseases and illness in his story, where he prefers to make some up rather than use things from our world. Ultimately, Oda often humanizes the animals, meaning they're subject to similar treatments as humans in the story. They play vital roles in the adventure and add to the show's charm. Although some aspects might be rough, the series balances this with moments where animals are treated well and acknowledged by characters. I understand that this aspect might be challenging for you, but I hope it doesn't detract from your overall enjoyment of the series!


Karoo going on his own adventure like a Shounen protagonist is so cute. Love how Usopp was all badass walking beside Luffy and Sanji after they dismantled that tower like he contributed to that somehow lmao.

Wyse Ebbah

Doesn't the fact that karoo is the one person you are actually scared something will happen too make him the perfect character to go on the quest. There'll be more emotional attachment than say if Usopp did it.


There is a very distinct difference that is quite apparent in this arc compared to many other arcs you have been used to. One is the tonal change and seriousness of the story, the comedy skits are still there but it never feels like its overbearing to the point where the main story is presented to be a little to lighthearted. There is a good balance between the comedy and tension. The other thing is there is a clear sense of greater thought process by oda that goes into the writing of the characters motivations and actions along with many connecting threads that start to unravel. Up until the point of Alabasta proper, we've had islands that are like a series of episodes. Small, contained, and isolated from the world at large. Alabasta feels like it's a large piece of the world, and indeed, it's actually quite the important country. If you have noticed, its also the largest place they have visited like an actual nation. Questions pile up and the wheels keep turning.


you guys probably know but ther is a weird filler mix coming up that makes this desert journey seem way longer than it needs to. On the plus side more Ace and more Ace is always good

June Nwik

Earlier in one piece Oda stated that there are two types of pirates in the one piece world. Peace main pirates: pirates who go on adventures and do not really care about treasure or fighting other pirates. That is not to say that they would not steal and fight other pirates at all, but their primary goal is usually not to own it and greed is generally not their motivation. Morganeer pirates: pirates who go out an pillage and plunder. They fight for treasure and personal ambition. They are greedy, love to fight, and often enjoy causing other people pain and misery. Most of the pirates you'll meet throughout the story are one or the other or a mix between the two

leno ;;

some of my least fave filler is coming up so i hope you dont hesitate to skip it if you are not interested in watching it. they somehow made luffy annoying in them.


I think they will prolly always skip whatever's red on the filler site (besides G-8 ofc), though I would love too see an Episode 102 reaction


To be more clear, this "system" was a hard set exhibited part of his prototype Romance Dawn world, not the final One Piece world, and was never mentioned in this one. In this world, it is much more subtle, nuanced, and complex where any character lies on a morality chart. It is left to the audience to decide, and I'm glad Oda removed it just so he doesn't spell out who is what with labels like in a fairy tale, and to make pirates like Luffy a very rare breed that acts like a nod to his old concept of Peace Mains, and also allows Luffy to have flaws without violating such a strict system. After all, it is better to judge someone by their actions and not just their identity/title.


I believe this was the set up for an earlier version of Romance Dawn, but this absolutely does not translate into the one piece we all know and love, and I'm glad it's this way. I prefer the gray, realistic world that Oda has created rather than a 4kids version of pirate world with good pirates and bad pirates.

Ronald Fitzgerald

WE ARE first take just dropped go check it out


Definitely they should skip 98-99 and watch only the last minute or so of 101. I’d say skipping 102 is optional but while it’s filler, it does have some interesting character moments.


Oda was young when he started Romance Dawn, so it’s understandable he almost fell into an easy writing trap, but what’s more impressive is that at such a young age he saw past it to create something more nuanced. It shows he’s a gifted writer, and naturally so.

Mantas Pilibaitis

One thing about world goverment, you guys saw their meeting and Vivi was there with her father, so Vivi's father is part of world goverment


Lmao I guess, after the amazing new opening that came out yesterday, Hiroshi Kitadani felt threatened & needed to defend his throne as best One Piece op


thanks for all the info, but for us we're just joking. I think because we're very in depth with analysis and stuff people forget that we also just joke and make fun of things half the time, and aren't always so serious. When Lindsay says she's "drop the show if animals are killed" we're not actually serious. but she will become sad cause she's sensitive about animals. but we're not insinuating that Oda ACTUALLY hates animals and this is a huge violation. Like we're not trying to cancel Oda for hurting animals. We're just joking around and getting into the show.


No worries I figured that part about dropping the show etc was a joke :) I just noticed Lindsay was upset about those things to some extent, so I shared my thoughts about it. I hadn't realised quite how long that comment ended up being until I submitted it! I appreciate it still being read and thanks for replying!

Kaku 💫

Well i dont know how he can threaten himself, the last opening was sung by him


"Maybe i am thinking a little too big picture" is a sentence that you can feel free never to use in One Piece lmao. I will never confirm nor deny any of you guys theories, seeing you figure things out by yourselves is the best part of watching your reactions, but genuinely, go nuts with theorising.. People call Oda a master of foreshadowing and whilst he's extremely good at it, he's even better at retcon!


Matthew Gilroy lol I'm a fake One Piece fan smh (I still stand by the German OP1 being better tho🧍‍♂️maybe that's why)