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Next one coming right up!



Ha, let's clear this up early. The Japanese word for beard covers facial hair in general. As usual you two help carry the through the pacing and sound like you're having a good time too. Another fun reaction!


i wondered if that was the case, but I didnt want to talk out my ass (even itf it hasn't stopped me before) glad you enjoyed thanks for all the support!


Netflix just announced that the entire series of One piece is heading to netflix up to the most recent arc in japan, with weekly simulcast episodes.

Nik Jovan

Keep in mind that the reason they are called the Whitebeard Pirates despite their symbol having a mustache is because in Japanese there aren't distinct words to separate what a beard is and what a mustache is. It just all falls under facial hair. And Whitebeard Pirates does sound better than Whitemustache Pirates.


Something you will begin to learn about one piece is every tatoo or scar has a story behind it.


46:17 yes. OP fans love this, its not like DBZ where you have this clash of super powers and power levels that dictate a certain level of power you have. There are actual real logistical elemental vulnerabilities, and resistances being explored within the fighting mechanics. It makes it feel a lot more real.


Ace's introduction in the restaurant is so iconic, as unhinged as he is. And he has the coolest ability so far, it's pretty standard in Shounen that fire powers always go to the cool, badass dude. By the way, the skull tattoo on Ace's back was originally a Manji mark in the Manga. But you know how censorship works at times.


Love the talk and how you dived into lots of cool details, and great that you're picking up on plenty of threads in this crazy story :)


Was excited for your reaction to Ace's proper introduction, didn't disappoint. Great discussion too.

Damon Sun

nice haricuts


I have been manga only for a few years now but I just checked out 1089 and it's so fucking beautiful man, literally movie-level animation🫨 I guess I will have to sub to Netflix again, so I can watch this arc weekly


If you remember Garp, when he was first introduced, also fell asleep while in the middle of eating. The narcolepsy is a running gag lol.


This arc is definitely a good one for being anime only, especially how fast paced it is


Love the discussion and theorizing. This is just tip of the iceburg, what is One Piece? what is the will of D? and many more. Theres a reason why they are so many One Piece theory analysist channel in youtube, theres to many mysteries and everything connects as you go on the adventure.

Briana Roop

The Gold Roger Cuck Theory has me rolling.