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I thought having a dedicated episode to what happened to Kana and Hatori was a really interesting idea. We already knew what happened but we haven't been included in the details of what it was like for those close to Kana and herself after the memory situation. It also clarifies a bit what Mayu is actually aware and her connection to the Sohmas. It feels a bit odd to now have the main characters at all for a whole episode but they did a good job to keep it interesting and showing a bit of progress from Hatori, having the thought of perhaps I should feel feelings and be hurt and be open about them instead of just accepting that my life is this and I don't deserve to be happy, which has been his life for the past couple of years. So in a way, it may seen a bit abrupt episode but I really enjoyed how they developed the characters in this one.


Wow, carson liked the episode, this is new