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This episode is one of my favorites, ngl. I liked how they show the progress in Kyo finally confronting his emotions and feelings towards Tohru even though that came from something bad and forced by manipulation. Also, sprinkles new information about his past and connection with Kyoko and Tohru as a child. Although he realizes, it is very sad since he accepts that being with her will never be possible, he accepts his fate in a way because of the control that Akito holds over the members and their inability to confrontation that comes from not only the constant abuse and lack of social maturity but also of the family pressure and other things also related. I understand the frustration in a way but I disagree with the 'lack of information". Although it is not fully explained yet, every time that Akito is present in the story thus far, you have a new angle and piece of what is going on. We know he is terrible and abusive, but not only that, he actually has control, that behavior is not the same towards everyone from the zodiac and it is more prominent in some situations. Those points may not give you a clear understanding of why or the full picture but it is building the terrain and giving you the pieces so the drop will not be out of nowhere. Also, this story is very driven by character development and growth, so you will experience the plot and get the answers of everything but those will be given following the pace and realization of themselves as well. I like the discussion and the point of view in this episode, keep them coming :)

David Butt

So pretty much Akito has been in Kyo’s head from probably some of his first-ever memories. Kyo has been told literally his entire life by everyone that he is disgusting, a monster, an outcast, someone who doesn’t belong and shouldn’t exist. He, and all of the other Zodiacs, have also been told that Akito is the head of the family and they have to obey him for their entire lives as well, and when you’ve been told something repeatedly by pretty much all of the adults in your life, you start to believe it. That’s why he can’t escape, that’s why he can’t disobey Akito.

Kiki Varas

To put it simply the reason why they stay is because of tradition. He has the high power and it’s not just magic but if everyone know that he Is like a god figure, even if he’s a dick, bc of tradition and how it’s been for years and years, they have to put up with it.