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BOLDcast FruitsBasket S2E7 S2E8 UNCUT REACTION



The overbearing mom comparison for Akito's behavior is somewhat on point. The "love" he expresses for the zodiacs doesn't have to be romantic.


i think Tohru doesn't act very differently when it comes to Kyo and Yuki (at least for now) but i think the reason why Lindsay feels like Tohru is more relaxed around Kyo is because Kyo seems to be very perceptive of her feelings, more so than any other character. he's constantly noticing how she has something in her mind, how she has worries like everyone else but hides them, and because of this, Tohru opens up more with Kyo about her struggles and her feelings, which is why she seems more relaxed around Kyo. Tohru is constantly worrying about everyone around her but when it comes to of her own emotions and struggles, she hides them very well. i think it's interesting that the author wrote this love triangle and made it very ambiguous, i can totally see why people would root for either Kyo or Yuki (personally I've always been team Kyo, still love Yuki's character though)