Ranking of Kings Update (Patreon)
Lindsay saw the Doctor about her neck injury, and they said she would be fine as long as she took it easy. So that's good!
but it's still been hurting whenever we've sat down to watch, so we haven't gotten to Ranking of Kings yet. We watched Vinland saga s2 Ep 3 just now, so we'll be posting that on YT tomorrow. But after watching that she didn't have it in her to watch more so we're just gonna chill.
More Ranking of Kings Uncuts will be posted on Sunday Jan 29th and edits will return as usual next week.
We're still going to keep our promise of not posting late, since you guys are still technically ahead of YouTube, and like we said the burden is gonna fall on us rather than you guys if something goes wrong. So we're not gonna post stuff to YouTube if it will take value away from your pledge.
Thanks for being patient you guys. The studio is nearly finished, and we can get beck to normal in a couple weeks after painting and moving all of our gear back in there. Hopefully by then , Lindsay will have made a full recovery and we'll really be back in business!