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We've had to deal with serious personal stuff for the past week or two, that's why a few things are behind right now and we haven't been keeping up with a consistent schedule. Hopefully, the last of it will be taken care of by the end of this weekend, and then if everything goes smooth, we're gonna be really excited to get back into the swing of things.
We have a lot of exciting things ahead of us, and for you guys as well, we just need a couple more days of patience, then we'll get everything caught back up.

Sorry for waiting this long to make a post, we wanted to plan ahead so that you guys wouldn't notice, but we fell behind and things caught up with us. So we're sorry for that. What's going on isn't nearly as serious as our previous break, but its serious enough that we've had to slow down on YT and patreon and we're just sorry the burden of that fell on you guys.

Thanks a lot for everything, we have some Boruto coming through in the next bit and way more exciting stuff to come in the next couple weeks!



Thanks for the update. Glad it’s not as serious as last time. Personal stuff is way more important than the YouTube stuff. Looking forward to you guys coming back


Its all good you know well wait patiently nd hope everything's alright nd getting better for you guys thanks for the update nd much love, looking forward to what yall have planned for the future stay safe.

Kadeem Reeves

It’s all good. Life happens and it’s important to take care of yourselves.


Nah fam you good


No worries, hope you guys can get comfortable again. Excited for the return always.


No worries at all, sending good vibes your way. <3