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First, sorry for the delay on naruto uncuts, you'll be getting more asap, but the reason you don't have them already is because we decided to skip the rest of kakashi anbu arc and skip over the itachi arc until further notice. 

We just really weren't enjoying it and didn't want to continue to shit on something that people enjoy. People like it because they like kakashi and want to see him on screen, and that's just not enough to keep us personally invested and enjoying the show. We just couldn't bring ourselves to overlook the flaws we saw in it and for that reason we're just gonna stop, and move on to stuff we're ACTUALLY excited for. So we've just started the Sasuke Shinden arc, and we're actually having a lot of fun with it. We're watching it right now, so when we're done, I'll get the uncuts out, and some of the edits later tonight.

For all the jojo fans, we're going to be taking a break from jojo for a couple weeks before we get to part 4 and will probably get back to it sometime in January. So if don't see anymore jojo this month, that's why

We've also finished season 1 of Haikyuu! so expect a big drop of edits for Christmas!

I'm leaving early tomorrow morning to go and visit my family for Christmas until early next week, so I'm going to be absent. So I'm going to get all the edits from now until then out tonight, and if anything is wrong, Lindsay has access to the setup so she can fix anything if something is messed up.

Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday! See you in the new year!


Charlie baker

Nice sasuke shinden, honestly both those arcs aren't my thing,im not the biggest itach i or kakashi fan so neither of those were really up my alley


Yayy haikyu uncuts🤤🤤🤤


Happy Holidays :-)


Happy holidays to everyone reading this msg. And Ty Boldcast for an amazing videos!

Nikolai Stoykov .

But you were just getting to the good half of the kakashi arc, yes, the first half with Yamato and stuff doesn’t matter, but the second half and the itachi arc shouldn’t be filler, it’s so good, all the other reactors say, please watch the rest asap, you’re missing out on some of the best episodes in Shippuden, unless you read the itachi novels, which are even better :)


lmao idk why they were pushing so hard for yall to react to those fillers when yall enjoyment of Naruto was clearly fading, im predicting the same for Boruto. (I say this as a huge Naruto fan, but yall gotta understand everyone aint gone like it as much as we do lol)


Have a great holiday!

Redding Tier

It depends on what you like and don't like in a story. They didn't like how contradictory this arc was towards the world's lore, how it got bogged down in politics where we knew how it would end and that it was making the Third even more of an idiot among other things


Have a great Holiday man. See you guys in January


yea bro dont even worry about it, personally itachi and kakashi backstory arcs werent my thing too. And yea sasuke's story is one of my favorite arcs.


Well it's sad too see you guys were not enjoying it but that's fine after all the reasons I enjoy watching you guys is because your honest about it. I liked the arcs but I'm the kinda person who doesn't really care if something gets contradicted because I mostly watch for fun and I like going into depth when it comes to a character but usually not plot. Anyway it sucks we haven't really gotten any uncuts but it's alright enjoy the holiday guys.

Mia White

So you aren’t even gonna try the itachi one???


Yesss i have been waiting for haikyuu ohhhhh Thanks for ur hard work

Joshua Wood

Damn lol been waiting on the Itachi Arc forever but oh well… :(

Meme Team!

i personally just watched the kakashi arc and itachi arc simply to watch them. i think there are better filler arcs personally (6 tail filler is good) but i did like the sasuke one the most out of kakashi, itachi and the skimaru four. But i would not suggest watching the 6 tail filler anymore, not like it has any stakes to it once u finish the show and know what happens. Excited to see part 4 of jojo :). Happy Holidays


Have a nice holiday Carson and Lindsay. I hope you have a good time.


You’ll enjoy the Itachi arc a LOT more. Not filler and actually shows his development as a kid


Yes excited for more haikyu. You both seem to enjoy it and it’s been nice seeing you both watch something fun. Had the same vibes when you guys were watching erased. I think we all want you to watch things that make you happy and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas ❤️


itachi arc is actually much better you should definitely watch it

Philipp Unterholzer

@Boldcast Are you going to react to more Naruto Movies? If you are I can recommend Naruto Shippuden Movie 5: Blood Prison. Its a really good movie and my personal favourite.


it’s okay man take ur time, do you know when they will be uploaded ?

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

While I’m disappointed I won’t get to see ya’ll react to them for the moment; if you’re not having fun with them at all there’s not much to do about that. Personally I don’t mind if ya’ll criticize the episodes you don’t like but maybe you’re getting a lot of crap from people because of it and that makes them even less enjoyable. Hopefully you’ll try again at some point. Look forward to the Sasuke episodes though. I really enjoyed those as well.


I agree people's bias towards Kakashi and Itachi clouds their judgment for the arcs. I don't think they are bad and defenetly one of the better non manga canon material but people overrate them because they are focused on Kakashi and Itachi. Although people in comments are right first half of the Kakashi arc is defenetly much lower quality that the second part and Itachi story.


thanks for understanding it just didnt seem like it was for us. Theres just a certain point where we go from criticizing something that we like to watching something that we're not interested in because we feel like we're pressured to. And it kinda reached that point. We just weren't enjoying our time and couldn't see a way for us to like it and I think at that point, criticism becomes not as worth it.


People (including myself) were mixing up the Kakashi and Itachi arcs. Kakashi was okay, I guess (I didn't really like it), but the Itachi arc is the one people really talk about. That is the arc that is actually canon material approved by Kishimoto and tells essentially all of Itachi's life, filling in some of the blanks the manga had originally left out. If you don't want to watch it, I'd suggest reading the "Light," and "Dark," novels, because it does actually give a considerable amount of context to the story of Shisui and his relationship with Itachi, Kakashi's involvement, and some things we didn't know about "Wicked Eye" Fugaku (Itachi and Sauce Bean's father), amongst other Uchiha members that help shape Itachi.