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Sorry its late! we had a bit of some personal things we had to deal with, so it took longer than expected. the rest of the uncuts for the break will be going up after the month ends and the new month begins. 

265: https://vimeo.com/569343940/d7121dc991

266: https://vimeo.com/569343990/6ec0666bc2

267: https://vimeo.com/569344058/45edf53ecb

268: https://vimeo.com/569344094/f85ba57d8c




Daolord Badlands

Sweetness. You guys are awesome, ya know that? Have fun on your break!


Thank you so much :) and have a lovely break :( I heard the heatwave was horrible over there, please stay safe!


Regarding the Seven Swords. The swords are all somewhat sentient. Once they bond to a new wielder they cannot be summoned by an old wielder. This will come up in future questions, Edo Tensei means Impure World Resurrection. It can summon back a soul from the Pure Lands which is not protected/held by one of the gods (such as those bound by the Shiki Fuin (Reaper Death Seal) or who have "purified" themselves and thus have no tie to the world and are ready to enter the cycle of reincarnation. (This is a big answer to a question that you will ask later). It is never 100% explained in the manga or anime. Edo Tensei is more thoroughly explained in novels, data books and Kishimoto's comments. When summoned by Edo Tensei the dead person is summoned back to a state of pseudo life as they were the instant they died. However being Edo Tensei makes up for all "disabilities" like old age. The body they occupy is fully healthy as it was at the peak of its chakra power. Its kind of like that Akatsuki possession jutsu, where the possessed being has all the abilities of the chakra possessing it.

Flex i cute

The Gold & Silver Brothers are some of my favorite villains in the entire show along with mostly all Akatsuki members. If you like Hidan you can’t not like Kinkaku & Ginkaku.


Regarding 283. Its never explained completely in Naruto manga or anime. Though you sort of get an explanation in Boruto when you learn more about what dojutsu actual are. Only sort of. But the complete explanation only comes if you combine those bits with the Buddhist interpretation of the Samsara, which is what Kishimoto derived the Sageness and the concept of the Six Paths are. Plus there is another part that would be a complete spoiler. So if you want a complete explanation combine : - What you learn about the Rinnegan in Naruto - What you learn about the Rinnegan and dojutsu in Boruto - The Buddhist interpretation of the Samsara (this is where the 'Six Path' concept and what they are comes from) - the events and conversation between Naruto and Nagato and specifically how they used chakra to come to an understanding - some things yet to be revealed in upcoming episodes If you want a non spoiler answer, think about what the bodies he calls paths are. And think about their connection to the Rinnegan user who is using the eyes to tap the Six Paths. You were on to something with your discussion of how the eyes got there. Just remember its never completely explained in Naruto. You are not failing to remember.