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Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that starting in December we will be moving to only one OP reaction a week as well as only one episode of Bunny Girl per week. That means the polls will also be only once per week and members of the Scouts and Student Council will only be one episode ahead rather than the two episodes it was for OPM and Beastars. We decided we would let you all know now so that you have a chance to decide if the benefits are still worth it for you before the start of next month.

Our main reason for doing this is we don't want to keep burning ourselves out all the time. We want to provide the best possible content for you all and we can't do that when we are constantly exhausted. While we will most likely make the one Op reaction a week permanent we would eventually like to go back to two episodes of the Patron selected show per week once things settle down with seasonal shows.



I don't mean to come off as confrontational or rude, so if I do, I apologize, but wouldn't it be better if you guys reduced the number of episodes of Naruto each week instead of the Patreon show? I get that you're trying to finish Shippuden soon as possible, but if you guys are trying to be more of a variety channel instead of a Naruto channel, I'd imagine Shippuden being 65% of your content each week would have the opposite effect. It's just a thought; either way, I'm happy with whatever happens because you guys definitely need a breather.


That's a fair point, however at this point cutting down Naruto wouldn't help us in the way that cutting down on ops would. Naruto is the easiest show to binge and also the easiest and fastest show for Carson to edit. For ops there needs to be hours spent making different tests for copyright but because Carson is so familiar with Naruto he can edit it much faster than any other show we react to. Plus majority of our views come from Naruto and the majority of our Partons are pledged for Naruto content. We are 100% not just doing it for views and money obviously but this is our job now so we do have to keep those things in mind. Naruto is consistently the show that is the most popular and keeps our channel stable so we can react to things like The Day I Became A God or Beastars without being worried that youtubes algorithm will punish us for having videos do "worse than normal" and take our channel out of recommendations. Plus this pace is just really working for us (and most of our viewers) right now and I am especially loving Shippuden so far and genuinely want to watch it every day right now. But personally I really hope that after next season (jujutsu, Beastars s2 and AOT) we can try not doing seasonal shows and try out a schedule with the Patreon show twice a week, a key anime slot and maybe a comedy slot as well because I think that would work quite nicely.


^well said


Never thought that Naruto was easier to edit, but that does make sense. Whatever works for you guys is cool, I love the Naruto content as well


Just do what your heart tells you . If you are lost, we are glad to help!