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Random! Boredom! Productions

Lindsay saying that Water 7 is the opposite of Enies Lobby is SUCH A GOOD OBSERVATION, this is why I'm subscribed to this Patreon, such good shit...I never thought of that at all, and I've never heard anyone say that.

Nicolas LeBlanc

I like how the end of 262 there was a debate to binge or stick to schedule and in 263 they are wearing different shirts. Lindsay likely won the debate.


water 7 being a result of the water displacement from Ennis lobby is a really cool idea

Guy Buddy

Love the many-fold comparison packed in this episode: The existence of your loved creation, but it's a battleship The curiosity about the knowledge, but it involves deadly ancient weapon The mission about justice, but it's carried out by trained human killing machine and Luffy & Yokozuna


This was the first episode where I noticed they upped some of the music at the end. But I can’t remember which one introduced one of my favourite pieces. You probably already heard it since I am behind by a lot of episodes 😆