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Lūthér Hölâyèãhmé

As a reminder Garp was offered an Admiral position in the past but he refused it. So even though Garp is a Vice Admiral, his power is comparable to an Admirals.


I love that they call Chopper a reindeer here when he really should be called the goat.


Kaku releasing Merry into Aqua Laguna 🔪 😡 💢


Garp mentioned that in live-action so it's okay to remind them 😅 Though it will be cool to see them get surprised when that finally get mentioned in Anime. Almost everyone belittled Garp before that, getting compared to Aokiji, etc. By the way, it's the scene when Coby confronted him about sending Mihawk (Episode 5 of live-action, 31:20)

Jeremy Gullion

Great reaction, I'm on OG Bold Cast watch, 99.8K so close to that hair cut. LETS GO!!!


This is quite far away but just a fair warning that the new opening at ep 264 has some spoilers. Some would say its only safe to watch after 291 but ask the community what they think.


“When unsure, anyone can be weak. There’s no limit to their strength when they know it’s okay to save her!” — Love when Nami says this ♥️ Also you might have noticed that CP9 decided to take Usopp when he said he was a pirate but no longer a Straw Hat…aka no longer part of the deal that Robin struck with the government.


the train operation was paused because of the aqua laguna, so the government had to ask for a ride despite of the weather. they train dudes have probably been surrounded by navy officers, so it does make sense that they overheard stuff from the navy people at some point


The bit with the two train conductors wondering abt CP9 is anime only and was not in the manga

Jack Shadow

OK, I will say that main reason of Robin actions will be explaned later, but right now it seems that because SH believed in Robin without a single info about her past, she actually started to care about whole crew.


I love that Nami is the one to say this considering she has seen firsthand what they're like when trying to save her from the arlong pirates. She understands what Robins going through the most because her entire village was on the line.

Ben Swaggerty

It was in the LA. They’re aware of who Garp is, how strong he is, and his relationship to Luffy and Koby


Yeah even if that reveal is like 700eps away lmao I think just the fact that he has refused it ain't really that big of a deal/spoiler


it already ends by 278 tho & it is too much of a banger to completely skip it :( I think it is fine starting from 274


Hello yeah, love me some Mr. Prince clutches. Man, Oda really makes a point by having Kaku, the most wholesome looking one of the bunch, do all of those terribly mean things.

Lūthér Hölâyèãhmé

That OP only runs for 15 episodes. We will have to make an exception this time, considering that its also well liked by the One Piece community.

leno ;;

they definitely should watch it. the run time is too short. i will feel bad if they miss out on such great OP.


When the train guy was running the train for the world govt people, he heard Corgi's group talking about the undercover operatives/plans. it wasnt word around town or rumors, and it didnt have to happen after the reveal.


They have said before they don’t want spoilers and it’s not like this is a tiny one. Let’s say they watch it early like you suggest, it’s not like they are going to watch it a ton anyways so might as well wait until all spoilers are done. I don’t think the trade off of spoilers is worth it at all. Spoilers for Boldcast do not read ************* It literally shows the matchups the strawhats have and chopper’s transformation. It is not something that should be watched unless you do not care about spoilers which they do. Ik it’s a really fun opening and as fans we want to see them react to it more than once but it is selfish to say it’s ok to watch when it contains spoilers for the rest of the arc


There are no exceptions when it comes to spoilers. They do not want spoilers and will watch it after. Carson had an Elden ring stream today and at the beginning he said he didn’t even want us talking about one piece because of potential spoilers being brought up. They are really really enjoying this arc and I don’t want opening spoilers to sour it


If something is shown later, its better practice to just not say anything. If they are questioning it now it is because they are supposed to be. Answering those types of questions with "you'll find out later" is a form of spoiler and can change thier viewing expectations.


DO NOT READ THIS BOLDCAST I think the "spoilers" past ep274 are really not in your face and simply tease things like many openings do & with how dynamic the fights in EL are, only 2 of the shown matchups end up being actually true & the Chopper thing without context is not really a spoiler... I have seen many first time watchers only have a ominous premonition (it could still mean literally anything) and most have long forgotten about it by the time it happens (which is dozen eps after the new opening has already started) so imo it would be worth the "trade-off"🤷🏾‍♂️


DO NOT READ BOLDCAST I usually agree with 99% things you say but I cant with this one. Boldcast is known for picking things apart and catching on to things most normal reactors wont. 1. it shows the matchups of all the strawhats, that alone is enough to say the spoilers are not worth it. 2. They will see the chopper thing and wonder wtf is going on with that (they will not forget it). 3. Usually when we say "things with no context" it relates to random things in openings. Seeing a character that they both love have a part in the opening where he looks very creepy + his ability has to do with transformations will have them know that chopper is going to transform into a beast. They have explicitly stated that they want 0 spoilers from openings. In the discord we arent even supposed to post memes relating to one piece for things they havent seen ( for example the enel face meme was not allowed because it is spoiling a moment). When carson was streaming and opened up song requests he did not even want us to put the one piece openings to listen to.


Fair, especially since it is their choice at the end of the day Maybe the can watch it sometime later when it is fine


I wish they kept it for the rest of the arc. It sucks that they decided to place it where they did and for such a short time :/


Yeah Toei makes such weird decisions sometimes... I wish they had switched around that opening with the one after it (Crazy Rainbow) which only has slice of life moments from the double spreads


The parallel of Robin taking all the burden on herself just like Nami did in Arlong park makes Nami being the one saying "now we can fight with all our strength" even more impactful!