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Konosuba Season 3 Ep 1 & 2 UNCUT REACTION


The Lorax

Nice! I only recently watched some of your guys old Konasuba stuff and am excited to watch this now! My thoughts on why Darkness acts the way she does in different scenarios is she basically lives two lives. Darkness the crusader and Lady Dustiness. Lady Dustiness actually has responsibilities, and her family is VERY important. She uses her Darkness persona to live how she wants free of said responsibilities. Especially when around other nobles, she reverts to Lady Dustiness. Iris even says this episode it was strange to see her acting so crazy when she has a reputation as being "taciturn and composed". In S2, she only acted crazy to get out of the marriage. And if I'm remembering right, that wasn't even the original plan. Kazuma just screwed everything up and so she started doubling down. I could be wrong about that though, its been a while. Also never read the light novel, so just based off my own thoughts so could be totally off base with all this.


The preview thing is Crunchyroll. I don't know why they do it, but they've done it for other shows too. Here's an example of the full preview from Episode 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ_4lgFE2WQ