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BOLDcast One Piece ep 227 UNCUT REACTION!



From the audience's perspective we can safely consider trusting Robin over Blackbeard, because despite her infamous reputation we've seen the hidden facets of her character a handful of times by now. Even before joining the crew. - She allowed Vivi to discover Mr. 0's secret identity - She saved Luffy's life twice - She spared Igaram and Pell when we thought she had personally "killed" them - She withheld crucial info about Pluton from Croc Oda's shown us these instances where she actively undermined Baroque Works' efforts whenever she could. Luffy was either witness to or had come to learn about many of these actions as well, which is presumably why he was able to eventually trust her. So does this small list of "good deeds" absolve Robin of her crimes? Hell no. She was a terrorist. As you said she was complicit in the manipulation and destruction of Vivi's kingdom. Many innocent lives were lost and ruined all because she wanted to read one last Poneglyph. Not even a noble incentive behind her actions. But justice doesn't influence a man like Luffy. Character moves him. Instinct guides him. Robin was once an enemy who took a risk in saving him and a few people very close to Vivi despite her circumstances. He could see that Robin wasn't quite the villain she pretended to be while under Baroque Works. I feel like this is probably the biggest reason for why Luffy accepted Robin onto his crew. As for Blackbeard, it's a considerably curious case imo. It's not like Luffy got much time to know him. They met at a bar and had some small silly argument about pies or whatever. And then BB leaves to enjoy the rest of his day. That's it. That's all they had between each other. That is until moments later when BB drops an absolute banger of a speech on Luffy, preaching about grand ambitions and the courage to dream big in this world of pirates. The total opposite of Bellamy's cynical lectures of pragmatism and the death of romantic fantasy. When we really look at it, Luffy and BB are fairly identical in their ideals. At that moment they'd have every reason to get along after all. And yet, Luffy never said a word. Didn't even smile or nod in acknowledgement. He just stood there stone-faced, shooting BB a long cold stare the entire time. It's truly a fascinating scene and gives me chills every time I see it, but I also think it's a prime example of Luffy's instinctual sense of trust. Somehow, without even knowing who he really was, without knowing he's the one Ace was hunting, and despite appealing to some of Luffy's greatest values as a pirate, Luffy still knew to keep his distance from Blackbeard. TL;DR : Luffy relies on instinct quite a bit, but even then he already had a few good reasons to believe Robin deserved another chance. Meanwhile it's very possible he instinctually knew BB was not someone he wanted to associate with, no matter how likeminded he seemed.

Ben Swaggerty

A little late, but the anime kinda fucked up Aokiji’s introduction with the filler involving Foxy. Originally, before the Straw Hats even leave the island Aokiji shows up in front of Tonjit’s house (sleeping standing up like y’all saw) and he actually uses his ice powers to connect to the island to the rest of the archipelago so Tonjit can try to reconnect with everyone else who left him behind