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One Piece Discussion 4 Anime Skypiea Saga Podcast

🟠 Early & Uncut Reactions!: https://www.patreon.com/BOLDcast ▶️ Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BOLDcast 🟪 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/BOLDcast 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boldcastmedia 0:00 Intro 1:38 Did you expect to go to the sky? (General thoughts) 12:35 Best Island: Aesthetics & Themes 16:37 Is Skypiea just Alabasta... but worse? (no) 25:03 Where do you want the show to go next? 39:44 Is Luffy TOO Over-Powered? 1:02:29 How will the Live Action handle Skypiea? 1:17:19 G8 ARC 1:29:50 INTERMISSION 1:30:11 Blank History & Poneglyph Theories 1:50:48 "Will of D" Speculation 2:01:15 Closing Thoughts #BOLDcast #OnePiece #OnePieceNetflix Description tags:





haha I know can't wait till you react to the next arc If you know you know you know


Ace said he is after Blackbeard because he killed one of their crew mates and jumped ship so I’d say it’s okay to think he is a bad guy at this point

Martin Hagen

40 min in and already can't wait for the next arc to begin LOL I wanna say something but I also don't want to give away any hints, but I'll say I think you'll definitely enjoy it

Briana Roop

I started One Piece much the same as you guys, after enjoying the Live Action so much. I actually found you guys by getting your live action reaction recommended on youtube! Unfortunately, I couldn't wait for you and just started blasting, I'm at episode 925 now. I understand what you both mean during the theorizing portion, about theorizing based off of previous experience with stories like this and having a difficult time theorizing because you feel like you don't have enough information. I think what sparked my love for One Piece the most was that I realized it's not really like a lot of the other shounen and anime I've watched, and that I have to treat this not like a normal story, but as a mystery. There's excellent use of foreshadowing, and the realization of things that happened and parallels just wow me. It's when you look back at something and realize, "Wow, how could I not have realized this!" that make the experience so worth sticking to. I probably should have asked this during your post asking for questions (I've been busy this week ;_;) but I hope in the future (or in your next reaction hehe) you give us your favorite Straw Hats after the arc... maybe also your least favorites, if you want to be spicy.


Great Discussion, im rereading along you guys watch, it fun to hear your theories and thoughts on the arc


Welcome back guys! Glad everyone is is back in good health. I can’t help but giggle as y’all talk about all the things you expect/hope for in the next arcs.


Side note: have people given them the lowdown on the filler sections of the next arc? Knowledge of how to watch it can make or break the enjoyment of it.

Arvind C

Thank you for the feature, lovely people! Hope this message reaches the two of you too! Lemme reiterate some one piece motivation! A lovely remainder before that: Tin foil hats, theories and discussions are what makes any series extremely fun to watch! Speculation about the unknown is perhaps the greatest part of enjoying the show! Hence, never shy away from speculation, criticism about lore, etc...,! There can never be a "wrong" speculation! Coming to the actual motivation! The reason (imo) why one piece has 1000+ episodes/chapters is because the story has interesting events (can be story lore drops, or character lore drops) that are equally placed between episodes! (Just for example, a lore drop happens every 70 episodes once). The drops usually involve a buildup/a constructive hype! 2024 seems to be the year of "arriving at full circle" and I am flabbergasted at some of the "arriving at full circle" moments with respect to lore drops, character building drops, and so on!! I also would not shy away from bad moments in the anime/manga! However, the both of you have been spot on alongside me in sharing the same criticism that were observed till now! I would definitely recommend the two of you to put a heavy one piece filter to block potential spoilers! Cheers,


But robin helped kill thousands of innocent people and were chill with her lol


I loved the points you guys made about certain 👀, All I can say is, you are set for the next stretch of arcs. The eye-catchers are soooo cute, you outdone yourselves.

Dan Bax

Personally I liked your last discussion better. It felt a lot more like a discussion and it was a lot more coherent. You repeated a lot of stuff that was already said and it was a lot less of a deep dive than I hoped for. I really missed the topic of the different devilfruit types. I still enjoyed it though.

Kiki Varas

I get why some ppl might want to skip it but this is a very important Arc. There are just ppl who decided to read the manga for it but just bc some ppl decided to skip it does not mean that this Arc isn’t important. Also at the time some ppl didn’t realize how important this Arc was for future Arcs yet, so that’s why some ppl might have skipped it at the time or simply read the manga for this Arc. Either way, It is a very important for future Arcs, so keep the things that happened in Skypia in mind for the future.


This podcast made me very excited for yall to see the things to come .. On Blackbeard it’s okay thinking he’s basically evil Luffy. He destroyed Choppers hometown and he killed one of his own crew mates according to Ace.


I think it was fine. But looking back at the Skypeia podcast post asking for questions, there were a lot of really interesting and insightful questions that they didn’t really address (e.g. reveals about the world government, different devil fruit types, crew relationships, etc). But you have to cut them some slack as they’ve had a lot of setbacks recently.


Briana! That’s wild. You’re past me and I started in 2021 😳 I have taken a long-ish break since reaching Wano and rewatching through reactors. But still, I’m impressed!


I think overall this was a weaker discussion than our other ones, but as far as the devil fruit types and stuff, I feel like people want us to talk about/predict things that we don’t have enough context for right now. Like to us there isn’t much to say about devil fruits that we haven’t already said. Ther are a few different types, but that’s kinda it And character development was basically non-existent outside of a bit from robin when she was exploring, but still not really much So yeah I think if this saga covered more ground, and had more revelations, then it would have been a better discussion. If people want us to talk about Blackbeard and stuff, then idk what to say other than what we talked about


I’ll also add that we knew it wasn’t going to be as in depth, and that’s why it’s not 3 hours long like our other discussions

Extra Crispy

Great podcast and thanks for answering my questions! obviously can’t confirm or deny if any of that stuff actually happens but as you said one piece does change and evolve a lot over time (considering how long it runs it would have too) and I can’t wait to get to some of those turning points I am sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Also the rant in the middle about writing was GOLDEN. Come for the reactions stay for Carsons Crusade for media literacy 😂.


In my opinion they think one piece is special just not flawless. Every single time they have compared one piece to Naruto it’s them saying how much more they like it than Naruto. Even though they seem to like tighter written stories (which one piece never will be) they have an appreciation for what Oda is doing. I think us reactors sometimes just want to see people enjoy stuff and any criticism can be a downer. However I feel like Boldcast have been very fair to one piece and have tried to get into the writer’s mindset. As someone who has watched hundreds of hours of these two reacting you can see that they like one piece. Even in this podcast you had Carson saying how much he loved the live action and how fun the g8 arc was. Idk if One Piece will ever be their favorite show ever, but they seem to love it and are having a lot of fun delving into what the writing process for a behemoth like this is.

Martin Hagen

Also want to add; a lot of the questions asked comes from a place for people who have seen the entire show already. Easy to hype up foreshadowing and questions about whats to come when you've already seen it yourself. I love that you keep the discussions genuine, people have insane love for this show (which is warranted, its fantastic) and unfortunately leads to people jumping on you for pointing out flaws (which this show has even though I love it). Opinions are subjective, and people seem to forget it sometimes. Watching you go in depth with your reactions and dissecting it is why I'm here, if I wanted to watch someone just marathon through it and catching 50% of the dialogue there's plenty of other channels for that :D


Brother we saw the boat crash into at least a few hundred people right there, and alabasta was a country with more than a million people that was in a drought for years. At the very least she killed hundreds of people, if not thousands. And not just enemy pirates or soldiers, they were innocents. The difference with Blackbeard though was the betrayal aspect, I’d imagine. So it’s a bit different, but what’s worse in your mind? For me the answer is clear


When I ramble on and on and forget what I’m saying it’s because I’m making a larger point about something that requires a lot of context. (And tbh I wasn’t at the top of my game in this discussion) I think you’re right in that you probably just disagree with us But I’ll never understand One Piece fans that think the series is an island. Everything exists within the context of its culture and genre, if you don’t want to think about the series that way, then we might not be the channel for you. Not that you’re not allowed to disagree with our opinions, but acting like what we’re saying is invalid because we see one piece differently than you isn’t fair

Jeremy Brooks

Really enjoyed the podcast! I think something important to remember about people online who think you hate the writing or whatever when you give criticism, is that you may post a video that gets 10s of thousands of views and 200 super vocal people are going to slam you in the comments. Most people watch the video and really enjoy it but then move on with their day. I'm sure you already know this but the people that enjoy your videos or perspectives may not comment while a lot the people that feel offended or angry feel the need to always comment. Thanks for the great content as always <3


Thank you so much for all the love And yeah you’re right, but what I’ve found with comments is that the vocal minority is usually proportional to a larger group of silent viewers who feel the same way. So sometimes it’s worth bringing up. Like if there are 10k views with 100 comments, and 2 comments are butthurt, it’s not that only 2 people felt that way, realistically there might be a few hundred. And since our channel is about discussion and everything, it’s expected that not everyone thinks the same way. But what can sometimes also happen is that a pattern forms in the comments when people act out over multiple videos. Like it might start out with “Carson has the wildest takes sometimes lmao” And then people who are out to shit on us like the comment, bringing it to the top, then more and more people identify with that, and it becomes more negative, and more attractive to act out and be assholes, rather than just disagreeing or poking fun. Then eventually the entire comment section is a cesspool of people who don’t listen to what we have to say, and just go to the comments to shit on us. That’s kinda what I think about when I see negative comments, not just the one guy, but instead the tip of a much larger iceberg I will also add that sometimes, when there is a reaction like that in the comments, they’re not always wrong. I’ve had some pretty bad takes on the past and taken a step back a realized I was wrong due to backlash from comments as well. Since I’m not perfect either Anyway sorry for the tangent. Thanks again for the kind words!


We aren’t even being that critical What did we say that you felt was unfair?

Jeremy Gullion

Loved the podcast! As I've said before, OP is my all time favorite manga/anime and I love hearing your genuine reactions to it, criticism or not. What you guys do wouldn't be as awesome if it was all about trying to please OP fans. Keep keeping it real y'all!


I haven't finished the entire podcast just yet so I may post another comment but I had a thought I wanted to jot down real quick. I totally agree with your assessment as to why Luffy had/has to be separated from the main villain so that the arc can progress and I agree that in Skypeia in particular it probably wasn't done with the most engaging or compelling methods. However, I think that believability is what plays the biggest role for me as to whether I can appreciate it or not and I think its worth making the distinction (I'm not saying you two don't understand or didn't make that distinction I just think its worth elaborating on). When it comes to Alabasta and Skypeia, Luffy getting beaten by Crocodile and his crew being left to wonder if he is actually dead or not gives you the opportunity do delve into their characters more. We get the amazing moment with Usopp where he stands his ground vs Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas and we get to see just how much the rest of the crew trusts him with Zoro and Sanji letting him fight alone despite being very worried. In Skypeia we don't get anything like that, Luffy is just in a snake and its more or less a gag. I do think, however, that it is completely believable that Luffy would not realize he is inside a creature and would actually think he's in a "Mystery cave" and the reason he ends up in there is because Wyper is following his character as well so at least from those perspectives it doesn't feel like too much of a stretch. All this to say, we have already seen an example of Luffy being separated from the main villain that allows for exposition of other character's and it was done to pretty shocking effect, especially as those chapters/episodes were coming out. So, while I agree that the way it is done in Skypeia doesn't hold up to that standard set by Alabasta it at least doesn't feel like Oda is making a smart character dumb for the sake of having events line up the way he wants.

Jeremy Brooks

I can definitely see that perspective and I've definitely witnessed some of those takes. I don't love or agree with every conversation you have ever had but some people are just jerks about it. Anyway, sometimes I just see you having to preface stuff for those people or defend yourselves against them and I can't imagine the amount of shit that content creators have to go through. Just wanted to say some of us are silently enjoying the content and appreciate the thoughtful conversations. Very excited to keep following your journey with my favorite series.


I honestly think you’re just upset they aren’t fawning over the show at this stage which is completely unfair. Skypeia is definitely not the point where I (nor many) One Piece fans truly fell in love with the show. BoldCast is very obviously enjoying the show but to criticize because they don’t love it to the degree you think is appropriate at this early juncture is weird behavior. If anything, these types of comments can sour the enjoyment they are having.


Zoro is literally a pirate hunter before we meet him. Robin has killed or was complicit in thousands or even millions of people being killed. When Usopp asks robin what her specialty is she literally says assassination. If Oda wasn’t so shy about people dying Robins kill count would be crazy high XD


I hope they don't watch the next intro.


Counter argument: Robin is cute


I am deffinitly going to be jotting down some of these questions for my notes, so look forward to when I refer to these early podcasts in the future. So many things you brought up that may have implications later on. Instead of providing alluding questions now, this is the way i prefer to answer some of these. One piece is best understood when you fall back to these predictions and idea's in your mind and reflect on how these things have evolved or changed.


Loved your discussion, it'll be so fun going into the next few arcs with you guys ❣️ Thanks for giving Skypiea a fair chance - it's defintely not many people's favorite arc, but I personally love the backstory and a lot of the visuals.


1:19. No it shows that you care more about the production, nuances of the story and its direction. Understandably this is a shonen manga and im not trying to cast any dispersions against people but there is going to be a big part of the OP fandom that only care for the action, the fights and if it doesn't follow canon to a beat. They could give a flying F** about 199 because its a filler. I of course am of the other camp where i do identify when high production and high quality episodes are being directed especially if its from a well known infamous director. At times, I literally feel like im breathing different air with boldcast's community, its nice to be able to examine and approach things more intelligently, rather then go back to my discord and discuss the many brain dead talks about sanji Vs. zoro, despite the fact that there is literally mind blowing revelations happening in the current manga, yet this is all they discuss on reddit and twitter. So exhausting. There was a time where alot of us thought with such simplicity, ask anyone here about alabasta being quite indicatively represented very different when we were younger, to how people see it now with rewatches. Its just some people have matured and evolved with the times, others have not.


You need to stop pointing these things out, if they don't know, they won't expect it and there for not be spoiled.

Dan Bax

I think you had a lot of good points in your reactions that would allow for further discussions but maybe you didnt see that. I feel a lot of revelations you unfortunetly overlooked. Speaking about character development. Chopper alone makes what you say not true. This real man had tons of character development. :)

Briana Roop

Thanks! It was a mixture of me being depressed and burnout, I didn't want to have to decide which show to watch after work. It was just so easy to watch like 10-20 episodes on a day off and know I'll have a good time watching. I've taken it a lot slower since reaching that arc. I'm watching it in dub so once I've caught up with the dub releases, I'll probably start again from the beginning in the manga.


Luckily the mods seems to have told them, but they would definitely pick up on things watching that, even if I didn't tell them. Since the mods told them so, they think so as well. Yes pointing out there are spoilers somewhere does highlight spoilers, but in this particular instance I think it's a bit different as it pertains to an intro. It has things that spoils without it being a "me having future knowledge, making it spoiler" I do think about which things I can mention without leading based on future knowledge, and hates spoilers more than anything. I won't hint at things or be sneaky about telling them something. That being said, I could've asked around and not directly written that as it could've spoiled if they watched the intro. (but not that likely considering it's them.) Should've just trusted the mods to be safe. There is a good point in what you say in general regarding that, but again warning them about an intro is different I think at least. Worst thing I did here that I do agree with, is that I risk confirming something, that being there is (information about things they haven't seen) and not just random images used for the OP in case they watched the intro. (But then again the above) I'm talking in circles, sorry. All in all it was a pointless comment considering the timing and circumstances. That's something I'll be mindful of in the future.


I love these discussions so much and I'm very much looking forward to continue following your journey!


Characters taking action isn’t really development though Just cause chopper did some stuff doesn’t mean he changed or evolved in a serious way. He wants to be a better crew member, but like there’s not much to discuss there.


Great discussion and welcome back! I personally think that all the points in this discussion were valid/solid takes. We all experience the one piece journey differently! And if it was all the same there would be no point in watching reactors. I actually enjoy it when you compare one piece to other shonen because I can't wait until the day when you don't anymore if that makes sense. Right before watching one piece, I was obsessed with hxh and I could not help but to compare this to it. I don't even remember when I stopped(this was years ago), but whenever that was I realized this had become my new obsession (and still is). From the moment I saw Lindsay wearing the hxh shirt I knew that you guys would enjoy one piece HAHA. When it comes to the G-8 arc I personally really enjoyed it as well. I've rewatched it about four times because I've convinced people who have skipped it to watch it with me lol. I was hoping you guys would also like it and I'm happy you did! On the other hand, Skypiea is an arc that can't be truly appreciated until a rewatch. And I think it's unfair to make reactors appreciate it to that extent without knowledge of what's to come. Like someone said it's, "Easy to hype up foreshadowing and questions about what's to come when you've already seen it yourself." It's like us trying to hype up the ball ordeal just because there's a ball spirit in a future arc or something. Anyway sorry for the long comment but I had to get that out. One piece is soo long until it's not, so enjoy every part of the ride!


I don't understand why some people focus so much on asking them to theorize about the future of the story, they are at a time when they don't have as much information. I recommend that you focus more on the themes of the story, each arc has themes that they focus on and where the heart of the story is and where it shines, and it will make a more compellin discussion. This arc has so many memorable characters, like Gan Fall, Wyper, Conis, Calgara, Noland, Cricket and others, that it's a shame that you couldnt discuss more about them. One Piece is not always straw hat oriented, the new and side characters take a front seat in some of the arcs, and this is one of them.


That intermission was great! Hope to see more of those in future podcasts.


completely agree. seeing viewers fishing for theories or trying to get them to connect dots they don't know are important yet is honestly really frustrating. I'm much more interested in dissecting the themes, characters, motivations, connections made, and really just what Oda is trying to say with the arc emotionally. Like where's the appreciation for the strong focus of true adventure in this arc and the simple child like wonder of just experiencing a place and doing something fun for the sake of it like hunting gold because it makes you feel like a pirate? idk I really love Skypiea for that reason and find it underappreciated.


I think it's cool to see how their thoughts change on what the One Piece could be over time. It's fun to see less and less of the "its the friends we made along the way" predictions/jokes etc. It's also fun to see how their excitement and intrigue in the greater plot evolves as well. If they have nothing much to say on the matter, then they don't have to say anything. I don't understand why you think every question has to be exactly what you want to ask and why you think what other people want to ask isn't valid. Quit fussing, if you don't want to hear that stuff then click off the video 🤪

Extra Crispy

They expressed those feeling when they had them in the individual episode reactions but I see your point I haven't watched skypiea in years and those are the parts of the arc that stood out the most to me and that I most enjoyed as well! also as for the fishing for theories thing yeah I don't love that either I actually reformatted my original question because it felt like I was leading the witness or something. I was more fishing for feelings than theories I wanted to know how they felt about the tone and stakes of the settings and what they wanted from the next ones without giving any hints about what might be coming up next. I think its ok to want to hear their theories as long as you ask in a way that doesn't make it obvious whats going to happen like (AND THIS IS A SPOILER) "do you think well see a arc where Luffy and the straw hats are separated?" that's basically just a spoiler at that point.


I just prefer a podcast discussing Skypiea would primarily be digesting what happened in the arc/saga and sitting with it while it's fresh; not immediately looking ahead past it to future things. Some is fine, especially to close out the discussion. Still I can't help but feel a lot of people aren't interested in breaking down this arc on it's own, without future context, and just want to move on. That is sad to me and a missed opportunity in my eyes.

Jack Shadow

I'm still watching, but I was annoyed by question about future arc, case people with trying no spoiling, actually spoil things. SO this is undrewhelming question, and would be better if you guys just say what you want to see in the future, without reading spoilery examples.

Jack Shadow

Ok, I watched full yours discussion and you actually intrigued me to watch G8 in your reactions, case I never give a shot for that arc and now I want to watch it. I don't have any problem with critisizm on Oda's manga, case it is not perfect, and I don't thing that there was really great episodes in One Piece so far(well, maybe episode with Crocodile's defeate, which has movie quelity in many parts. And this is why I can't wait you see your reaction to the next big arc that will begin in episode 227


I LOVE THIS PODCAST! Thank you so much for being honest and real with the flaws of this arc. I'm happy to know about your theories and analysis 💖 it really makes your content soo interesting thats why I'm your patron 😁 I can't wait for your reactions on the future arcs. Much love and support to you guys 🥰 keep it up! 💪


One thing I like about the whole “keeping Luffy on the sidelines” in Skypiea is that it actually has a utility at the end. They are able to get gold because Luffy got trapped in the snake and stumbled across it. It’s an aspect I really like about Skypiea is how little details tend to come full circle story telling wise in the arc. From a narrative perspective that’s what makes Skypiea really enjoyable, especially upon rereads/rewatches.


If i speak I am in big trouble