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BOLDcast One Piece ep 196 UNCUT REACTION!



Geography-wise, it makes sense in my headcanon why G-8 gets no action (keeping in mind that while it's filler, Marine bases are canon so it's a legit discussion). That is, it feels dead center. It's far enough into the linear Grand Line that fodder pirates don't reach it (those fodder got beaten by Spawn Campers like Mihawk and Baroque Works) while also not being far enough to encounter pirates strong enough to reach farther in. The G-8 base also made a cameo in Movie 4: Dead End Adventure, the same movie where Lt. Drake cameos. That movie is between Alabasta and Jaya, both physically and in timeline.


i will be watching this filler arc for the first with you guys. i haven’t watched any fillers of one piece yet but planning to watch some of them when i will be caught up on the anime so this is a great start.