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BOLDcast One Piece ep 189 UNCUT REACTION!



And here is that payoff :) where Wyper finally makes sense as a character. I think it actually also has meaning that you don't understand him at the start, and only after you get to "know his story/past/culture" do you actually feel something about his people and his personal battle. It doesn't bother me so much on rewatch that I feel distant to the Shandians for the first part of the arc, because in hindsight I think some part of this is deliberate and conveys a message. I really like this arc even with all its pitfalls. The only issue is the pacing which could put some people off getting to the juicy parts of the story. Obviously, we don't want to spoil the fun of discovering the lore and backstory for you guys, so we couldn't really comment on how you felt about the Shandians earlier.


The thing that we as a viewer learned with this flashback is: trust in Oda. If we see a character that is doing something we can allways believe that they have a reason to do this and we will find out. The One Piece world is a main character in this story and in the spirit of an adventure we will discover what's going on along the crew. This story is not written to get all the answers instantly. As we get along there will be more questions and they won't get answered quickly. Some off the questions we have at this point will be answered in 100, 500 or over a 1000 episodes. What makes one piece so greate is that world and unique writing that fully commits to "you need to see it all". We get more and more mistery and all we really can trust in is: It is consistend and will make sense.

Nik Jovan

Is this the first longer major non-Strawhat crew member flashabck in One Piece? Maybe I am forgetting, but if it is then this is the first time Oda really shows his capacity of how he can make you connect with characters you just meet and how good he is at worldbuilding with these flashbacks. There are so many connections and so many pay-offs for the earlier Jaya arc and more to come in the near and distant future. Skypiea is fantastic and I can't wait for you too see the conclusion. Underated by the fandom in my opinion.


one of the best things about one piece is how oda ties everything together and it’s so satisfying when it happens i haven’t watched this arc in like 6-7 years and rewatching with you is amazing i get to relive great moments like this and i’ve forgotten how amazing this arc is (idk why some people skip it) keep up the great reactions guys