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BOLDcast One Piece ep 174 UNCUT REACTION!


Héctor Ruiz

Shandorans are based on the Aztecs, google "quetzalcoatl" or "quetzalcoatl aztec temple" and look at the pics the stone head's the same! He's a deity and his name means "feathered serpent" maybe thats relevant. Great reactions!


When Oda was young, one of the anime that was pretty big in Japan was a French/Japanese co-production called The Mysterious Cities of Gold. Guess he watched it. It's about a young boy called Esteban who goes on a journey to the new world searching for the lost Seven Cities of Gold and his father. If you start looking at it, you realise there's a lot of stuff that is quite similar to One Piece in some of the vibe and some of the themes. "It is the 16th century. From all over Europe, great ships sail west to conquer the New World, the Americas. The men, eager to seek their fortune, to find new adventures in new lands. [...] " Esteban ends up with an Incan girl, Zia, who can read the language of quipu, which is reminiscent of Robin's ability to read the poneglyphs. There are other similarities, which, to me, demonstrate that Oda was quite influenced by this show. The art and style in Shandora are very much inspired by Incan and/or Aztec cultures.