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BOLDcast One Piece ep 164 UNCUT REACTION!



The music was great man. You'd never think the south bird would be this cool and chill. Wyper and his people are so cool looking too, at everything they do.


The reason the South Birds are huge now could be gigantism due to scarce resources. An example of this can be seen in whales and giant squids. We've seen the opposite happen with animals that are normally huge like African elephants in their relatives the Borneo elephant, they exist in an ecosystem with abundant food and so they no longer need to be so big.

klairvoyance (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 16:12:54 Yeah, Foster's rule (absence of predators -> relaxed predation pressure -> island gigantism)
2024-03-09 13:21:08 Yeah, Foster's rule (absence of predators -> relaxed predation pressure -> island gigantism)

Yeah, Foster's rule (absence of predators -> relaxed predation pressure -> island gigantism)