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Hello everyone!
We are getting very close to a first little test version! I'm thinking in a week or so!

What you need to know...  
This version is a test version in an very early alpha stage, there will be bugs and lots of unpolished things. The main reason i publish such an version is for testing, bug hunt and that you guys can see the base im building the game on.

Some game mechaniks won't be in the test game or are changed:

  • player cannot die, all player stats have no effect yet.
  • affection level of the first girl will be increased much faster (in order to unlock fun stuff to test)
  • Day/Night system disabled (it will be daytime 24h), wont be in the test because i have no light system for the night implemented (flashlight, torch and stuff).
  • Food respawn system is a placeholder (currently respawns at fixed times)
  • the save system is not ingame yet (you can save with pressing 5 at any time, however it might glitch out the game on loading)


The animations might look stiff at the moment but i can adjust and make them better at any time.


The Island might be generic atm, but im constantly adding little details to it. As you know i love adding small easter eggs and things to explore. So there will be tons of such things.

One of the core systems is the interaction with girls.

 It wont be hard to have enought food to survive. Later on im making a crafting system and if i get it to work even a building system (like in every survival game), how ever! the focus is on girl collection! And girls themself can search for items! The idea is that they can find lots of items the player cannot find or some very rare items. Depending on how well you care for the girl and her stats she might find good items.

Some Obstacles in game dev...

Every girl will be uniqe (this was just a test). Im using a system that currently is not very stable. (the Hair Groom plugin) It seems to crash the whole thing randomly on import and after change some things it works fine again...  this means its out of my controll to fix errors with hair. All i can do is wait and hope this will be fixed or i need to search for another solution. Currently it seems to work for me but i cannot promise if it stays this way.

thanks everyone!


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