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I've been very busy lately and have not had much time and unfortunately little creativity and inspiration.

But i don't want to let you guys down. So here is what i'm going to do when i have the free time to work on the computer.

Im working with RPG Maker for many years now and i think it is time to pack a bag with all what i have learned and move on. 

Now i really want to start learning to use Unreal Engine  (+ toy around with Blender to make some 3D girls). This could bring my games to the next level and im sure people will love it! 

How ever, this is a learning process and will take time. I would love to keep everyone up to date with what i'm doing. And i hope you guys will join me on this road.

I'm still posting updates to my current RPG maker project and trying to finish it as good as possible but forcing it will hurt the quality... and now im motivated to learn new things (and i hope this is not just a phase) *hehe* ... 

Whenever i have something to show i will post it here! Because you guys are the reason why i can even do this! Im starting small and step by step so please dont expect the best game ever, the first project's with the new engine will probably some super simple games (if its not just little gimmicks with the new engine).

There is much todo:

  • learning the basics (how to make a world and design it with assets)
  • learning to make blueprints (rules for characters)
  • learning blender (making my own assets)
  • first mini project (and learn more by doing this)

If i still have fun doing this after all the learning, then i might make some cool sexy games with it...

but for now i have to hide in the shower because this heatwave is killing me *sweat*

thank you all for the great support!

have a nice day everyone!


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