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So after coming to terms with the fact I was trying to make a webcomic for financial gain only and not because I enjoy it (which is funny considering I'm a GM but I guess in that case I enjoy the interaction and strangeness that D&D players can bring). I can now divert my attention to more interesting subjects I have.

Like short self contained comics because I can actually have multiple tf's in a short time span in different stories and not trying to jam it into 1 continuous series.

I'm going to be making a poll that will last from now till the 7th of april. The $1 tier will be able to vote on what kind of comic they'd like to see from me (I find it easier to work for people then myself, but this way I still get to decide some aspects like what's on the poll).

A few things about the comics

  • The $1 tier has access to the voting so it works just like the monthly voted sketches.
  • They will all be in Black and white/ink until the goal is achieved, when the goal is achieved the following comics afterwards will be in colour (just to keep the style consistent).
  • Suggestions can be made but what's in the poll will be decided on by me, please do not suggest unsanitary or illegal content. I will not allow that.
  • The polls are only made after I have finished drawing the last page of the comics. Just because they're not completely uploaded yet does not mean they're not finished, but backlogged.

I hope this is not a problem for anyone and I look forwards to what comes next.


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