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Sorry I've been kind of MIA on here. I often feel overwhelmed at work due to so much stuff being piled on my plate. Im super grateful to have a fun internship that still allows me to be able to stream, but my time management isn't so great and i'm trying to work on it. Many people also get upset at me for not responding or for not giving them what they want but they don't realize im human too, with health issues, anxiety, and an extremely busy life. I just need everyone to support me without expecting me to constantly talk to them in return. I would love to talk to everyone at once all the time but its very hard and draining:( I also just started my summer class and now am realizing that i have to write two 12 pg papers in one month... But im hardworking and i know i can do it! <3 so if i don't respond too often, or maybe don't post enough this is why! I appreciate everyone support sooo much, I am sorry for complaining, but i feel that i can vent here to all of you amazing people <3 I would never wish for anything else, just maybe a bit more time in the day ;) Also! Please get in contact with me about doing a video chat or getting on my mailing list if you are in that tier. 

Thank you all for being such amazing people and supporting me here and on Twitch. ILY<3

xoxox- Nicole 



You keep grindin and never stop SKY’S THE LIMIT! 🙌🏼


You don't have to worry, I'm not expecting you to post or reply all the time. I understand, like us, you are human and you also have a life outside Twitch, here or other media. And of course you can always reach us here to vent, we will always be there for you :) See/talk to you again very soon B.