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Howdy folks, just a minor update.
Just letting ya know I'm working away on wrapping up the Ahsoka animation for tomorrow, real excited to see the whole thing all together with an ending.
And I'm working on more Ahsoka content so this is hardly the last we'll see of her.
Want to have a nice update on the new Ahsoka animation alongside this one.




Yo just want to ask, since it’s pretty obvious that the Ahsoka one will be rather long, could you somehow also release it in a video format too? Would be cool if we can rewatch a certain part of it without having to rewatch the entire gif again


cannnnnnnnnnt wait and this picture looks awesome

Neko Majin

legit adding the finishing touches to the final shot, trying to finish before the storm gets bad and I need to turn off my desktop ha. looking like I'll need to do the fluids pass later.