Discord Server (Patreon)
I've launched a private Discord server, meaning only active or former Patreon subscribers have access to it and no one from outside can join. This server is meant to keep us in touch as a community and up to date with news related to my work, as well as to serve the purpose of a backup communication channel in the event of Patreon inaccessibility (the page was removed again yesterday just like last time in June, and I had to contact support to get it back without any explanation of the situation).
Feel free to join, chat or mess around. There is no obligation on what you should do, but I encourage you to join the family.
The joining process is automated and integrated into Patreon. To automatically get access to the server you need to be an active subscriber and have your Discord account linked to your Patreon account so that the bot will automatically send you an invite and grant you the Patron role on the server. Here's Patreon's official guide on how it works: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access. This only works if you're an active supporter. If you are a former supporter and want to join the server, send me a private message and I will add you manually.