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QueensOld and new male housecat characters for the Portfolio and the next.

Cillem - Cornish Rex; Sagohl - Chausie; Gavrey - Bahraini Dilmun; Qiang Ping - Oriental Longhair; Ingre - Napoleon; Aleqiq - Arabian Mau; Davon - Indian Billi; Oleg - Peterbald; Felsen - Nebelung; Dux - Bengal; Mejuul - Suphalak; Baess - Abyssinian; Haldee - Korat; Tiebalt - Somali; Nijirou - Khao Manee; Steffine - Norwegian Forest; Neftali - Bombay



Artemis Dhelphin

Pictures appear in reverse order. Oleg is in the middle.