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Been a while since little Miss 'L' made an appearance. Still bewildering to me why a simple name gets flagged by community guidelines, but it is what it is. I guess you couldn't refer to a lolipop either..lol




"Lolita" is a 1955 novel written by Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabokov. It was made into a movie in 1962 by Stanley Kubrick, and remade in 1997. The moral codes held by the majority of the American public, both informal and formal, have changed since then. That subject is now taboo. But in prior years, it was believed that LGBTQ stuff was taboo. When moral codes change to be the opposite of what they were, are they even logical? It seems arbitrary and capricious. Thus, the action by DeviantArt. There was a portrait photographer on DA, exhibiting her work. The portraits were of moms, dads, kids, and dogs. But because some of the portraits were of kids, the account was cancelled. Go figure.


It's funny that a name like Lolita or the short version I cannot post for my character is taboo but having drag queen story time at the public library is perfectly fine to expose little children to, that's as normal as cutting off genitalia of kids because they want to be boy or a girl today, and let's not get those pesky parents involved. Those concepts are in line with the morality police controlled by the leftists.. a mad, mad world we live in.