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I mentioned this on the weekend content post but in case you don't support that tier thought I would let yuou know as well. Sorry about the past couple weeks or so of lack of content here. I have been dealing with some ongoing medical issues that resulted in my hospitalization. Most things got resolved to a stabilizing level, very low blood pressure and nearing kidney failure. But now I have to deal with a spinal issue that may require neurosurgery. I will do my best to get things back to regular content the best I can.

Here, Lexi joins a new gym at the recommendation of her friend Vanessa. I big older gym member makes some off-handed comment about this white girl stealing her hair style. Lexi, never one to back away from confrontation politely suggests they have a little time in the ring to sort this out and the loser can't show up here ever again wearing these braids. I guess Lexi is now making sure the sorry loud mouth is fully aware of what will happen if she renege's on their wager.




So strong!