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This week, Mona gets untucked for the night, a film crew considers "going native", and  a blind spot in the Rule 34 catalogue has been filled  at long last!

It was recently brought my attention (give or take a month ago) that there was an utter  lack of Rule 34 for the movie Theodore Rex, and the moment I was enlightened to that fact, I started cackling like a mad man (or at  least as best I could without waking up the rest of the apartment block), and my mind went to work creating the monstrosity you see before you.
Admittedly, few things keep the act of making art feel fresh better than expelling something cursed into the world, but now I feel like I'm gonna have fewer things on the restricted list next time I open for  commissions because at this point, what excuse do I have to be picky?
God help us all...

Monday being ruined aside, next week we'll be getting more Dirtwater and Conversion: On Film, and with maybe less smut based on terrible 90's movies, but I make no promises...
Thanks for the support, until next time!



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