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Hey guys! I intended  to fill you in on my plans for the next comic sooner but commissions and holiday stuff were keeping me busy.

Anyway, the next comic I'm going to be spending the next couple weeks writing and doing concept art for will not be porn. What it will be is a sword and sorcery adventure set in a Late-Roman-esque Dark age that has come about after a terrible disaster turns the world into a god-forsaken wasteland. 

The main character will be a disgraced noble who (for reasons to be revealed in due time) seeks to stamp-out whatever remnants of the "Old World" he can find with the help of a barbarian horde who are convinced he is their new dark prophet. They romp through the wastes, burning, pillaging, enslaving, and sometimes befriending whatever they find.

I'm going to remain scarce on most details, but I will be working on concept sketches and the like while going through the writing process to hopefully bring light to what kind of story this will be, and if it's going to be of any interest to you at least aesthetically.

For those concerned that this will be an end to my erotic work, don't be. What I'm going to try is rotating between doing a chapter for this story, then another chapter for Dirtwater, and so on...

I've been meaning to do something bigger outside of hentai for a while, but I also still have a lot of things I'd like to do in that field. There's a lot of Dirtwater yet to be done, I assure you!

Also, unlike Dirtwater, this comic will be done entirely in Black and white, Manga style, and it will be called ABADDON. Again, darker.

Well I hope this sounds interesting to you guys, but I'm nonetheless looking forward to the work ahead of me. Until next time!

-The Arthman


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