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This week, Jane takes to the volatile streets of Dirtwater itself, Tee simmers in the heat of the night, and I unleash a few sketches I've been sitting on for a bit!

I gotta get into the habit of sketching more, if not for the sake of getting some work done for these updates, but for also getting things prepared for when I'm caught up with this arc of Dirtwater.
The Iron Age anthology I'm planning on will require some concept sketches of the characters, and maybe some environmental studies if I get to those.
So far I'm nailing down a lady for one of the first stories. A young warrior lady eager to learn, but very ignorant of the world outside of being trained by her doting father, and unprepared for
the conditioning ahead of her!

I'll see about getting more of that done in the future, but I'm also preparing to open up for some more commission work in the near future, but until then I'd like to bring some ideas to life.
Either way, next time we've got more Power-Play and Taming of the Flame pages!
Until then, thanks again for the support!



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