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Josh's company has invited the top two salesmen of the year to a weekend winter retreat in the mountains. With his wife Sara in tow, the couple are excited to unwind at the luxury resort and spend some much needed time together. Much to Josh's misery, it turns out that the other salesmen staying with them at the resort is Travis Kendall, Josh's nemesis. Travis has been trouble for Josh at work for the past year, stealing clients and even outright bullying him at times. Josh isn't sure how Travis always manages to lure his clients away, but Josh is sure that he's guilty of some dubious practices. Josh and Sara plan to avoid Travis for the weekend, but it turns out that Travis is very taken by Sara...

For an easier listening option, I've also split the story into two parts, taking place on Friday (Pt.1) and then Saturday-Sunday (Pt. 2) of Josh and Sara's retreat.

FRIDAY: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wsa2gq8scw0kaoxdk530v/Retreat-Pt.-1.mp3?rlkey=dza8uww90zlw8lh3czclsyqtl&dl=0

SATURDAY-SUNDAY: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ex0eem4w8i73ywcxl4bco/Retreat-Pt.-2.mp3?rlkey=acxct9g3ao8yjdzx82oqpfldc&dl=0  



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